soo it went two weeks, two nice weeks of no one getting mad at me, but then people started asking why i made it friends only, and just now ally yelled at me, so i give up. only about 20% of the entries will be friends only. but please, please just leave it alone if you dont like what i write. so here's to starting over...
you think you know, but you have no idea )
Comments 4
- smart guys are hot, and the ones that arent, simply arent. but dont u find it rather intimidating sometimes? i do.. and yet its so attractive its like " teach me the dumb one more!!!" hence why i SO have a crush on david taylor... god that guy is brilliant
- swings are my favorite too!
- RUNNING SUCKS!!!! HARD CORE!!!! ITS BAD FOR YOU! literally for ur shins, knees, feet, etc and u can get hit by a car AND! its running... duh...
-they are hot! it's crazy. and no, i dont really get intimidated, i just admit i dont know what they're talking about and ask them to explain it to me... yah, but he's so tall! you'd need to wear heels a lot
-yah! swings rock, hands down
- i know, shin splints, knee stress and such, but i like it, SO THERE
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