I spend most of my time either at school, doing homework or working - mostly homework. Or grocery shopping, cooking, eating, cleaning, pet care....If I go out, it's usually at the expense of time I should spend sleeping. My primary socializing and leisure activity is talking to people I know in real life on social networking sites
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Comments 7
I'm thinking of turning to booze to make myself more garrulous even though I'm not a huge fan of drinking anymore, and when I can afford it I self-medicate for stress. I've got about 30 pages to write for the various papers over the next five weeks in addition to all the reading and research that goes into that, I don't really know where all the time to get it done is gonna happen.
How the fuck did you manage your time with all that work and school? I work two days a week and I feel like I'll never get anything done.
it sucks but just make the best of the little breaks you get. work hard, play hard. pull all- nighters, drink too much coffee, do 1 too many shots, fight thru hangovers, take one more hit than you should. its only temporary and the payoff will be that much sweeter knowing you busted your ass to get where you are.
Maybe the stress isn't as bad when living with your parents isn't the worst possible thing you can imagine?
This summer I will, unfortunately, be in class at butt AM in the morning. My first summer session wants me to be there at 8 am. And learn a new language at that hour.
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