The server that was hosting my photos went kapooot. So... until I find a different alternative and a way to get what was on the server all the photos posted when it was working will be nice little red x's!
I made corn fritters for the first time the other day. They were too good! Light, fluffy, flavorful. I didn't get a photo, I was busy eating. Next time I am going to add shredded zucchini too.
14 April 2005 "Goodness of Weird" Rice, salsa, cheese and zucchini I stumbled on this weird concoction one day and it has become my can't-find-anything-else-to-eat-nothing-sounds-good-so-i'll-eat-this food.
"The great danger for family life, in the midst of any society whose idols are pleasure, comfort and independence, lies in the fact that people close their hearts and become selfish." John Paul II