The episode was better when you watched it with us, YOU KNOW IT WAS!!!!!!! ^,~*
Also, why the heck didn't you join spn_monthlyfic and wincest_fic yet? I can understand if you don't wanna do the regular one, but at least the wincest, I mean, serously, come on...
I thought I told you very clearly and in no uncertain terms to go to wincest_fic and spn_monthlyfic and give in challenges for next month! Also, you need to read the fics, or at least mine and Rach's, and leave glowing praise on them!
Honestly, woman! Stop masturbating to Itachi, and go be useful. -.-;;
Hey, so I made you some icons... I only made four to see if you like them. That is, to see if you like the style/theme. I can make 15 (the LJ limit on a free account, lol) if you want me to. Any specific phrases, or do you just want whatever I think works? ^__^*
Comments 6
Also, why the heck didn't you join spn_monthlyfic and wincest_fic yet? I can understand if you don't wanna do the regular one, but at least the wincest, I mean, serously, come on...
I thought I told you very clearly and in no uncertain terms to go to wincest_fic and spn_monthlyfic and give in challenges for next month! Also, you need to read the fics, or at least mine and Rach's, and leave glowing praise on them!
Honestly, woman! Stop masturbating to Itachi, and go be useful. -.-;;
Anywho, I'm making you a few icons, so hopefully you'll like them. *hearts*
I'm also tagging you to do this meme! So do it, and guess for me, too! ^__^*
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