We have details regaurding the project for you since I think most of who are going to sign up have already. Our scrapbook has a little idea I think you guys may like. :)
I'll put it under a cut~!
Ta-da~ See the heart?
What you may not see about this heart is the fact is has a pocket you can put things into. Our scrapbook is going to be full of these hearts with whatever you can fit in OR on the heart as free game. Pictures, messages, presents to show off your country. It's all fair game. Lets get to the requirements and such....
1. Your orginal message that will include a rough location and your name and a message must be on half a notecard.
2. You may decorate the heart however you desire. Add additional messages, feathers, etc. Go crazy it's yours~ show him your creative side. The only thing you must remember is that is will be pushed down into a scrapbook. So things like large beads for decorations are discourage. I'd rather have the pages lay flat.
3. Uhm...gosh, do I have say this even? No bodily fluids. -___-" I've heard of anti's who did that which is why this is thrown in. People actually DO it. -_-"
4. If you are unable to make a heart yourself one will be provided for you. If I'm able I will mail it to you so that you can decorate, but if I can't then your heart will be plain.
5. Goes with rule four, if you can't make a heart you are still able to send in things to be put in it. :)
6. You may also still send things to DECORATE the scrapbook. We want more than hearts I assume? You can send in pictures of you holding up a "Fighting Henli~!" sign or something like that. (Or you know "Loyal member of Mozzi Princes Empire." things like that. XD )
7. These hearts DO fit into an envelope so yay~!
8. Keep all messages in English or Simplified Chinese (I believe?) text. English prefered since we know he knows that one quite well. (Go Canada!)
9. No profanities. He understands those...XD
10. Encouragment only ok? It would be best to avoid all reference to things E.L.F such as you know the Sapphire Blue color, what it stands for (besides Extra...won't go there.) unless you can somehow make it encouraging. Approach it with cation, we do not know if he wanted to be thrown into the SJ mix or if he's even happy with it. Keep it neutral or postive towards him.
11. You do not have to share the town you live in. Just go with a close by major city.
12. You may send pictures to share what your town looks like. Please mark it on the back so that it can be marked properly in the scrapbook.
13. Like I said whatever you can fit in and on the hearts if free game go for it!
14. Avoid the whole "Your too talented for SJ" thing. We want to cheer up Henry but not offend him or anyone else in the proccess. :)
How to Make the Heart Will be Added in a Post Soon!!
If you are from Canada there will be a post for you soon. We want to send Henry something special from his home country. :)
How to Make the Hearts