Jun 24, 2006 12:55
i need sleep.
and love.
odd combination eh?
Jun 05, 2006 18:14
palm reader today... freaky ass shit.
if she knows what shes talkin about!!!! :) :) :)
Apr 25, 2006 23:46
with nothing left, one clings onto the only thing he knows, himself.
But what does he do when he fails himself?
Apr 11, 2006 14:29
im bored, lonely, tired, and many othr things.
I feel like this isnt going to change. It's been the same way for so long.
I need something new. Like some gorgeous girl to walk into my job and we just hit it off. But that doesn't happen. No storybook tales for my life.
Fuck it.
Mar 23, 2006 11:13
its funny...
it always happens the way i think it will...
is that because i know myself?
or is that because i let it be?
happiness is a long way from home...
Mar 22, 2006 22:29
i did it, i killed the virus... WOOT!
im bored, someone should entertain me!
Mar 20, 2006 12:50
i love it.
new outlook.
new life.
Mar 12, 2006 23:00
nah, sorry... guess its not gonna happen. more importantly, sorry Jaymes. Im such a fool...
Feb 25, 2006 13:21
emotions... why must we have them?
and why must they conflict?
why must everything in life be a cruel joke?
sick, pathetic, tortured.
All we really want is release
from this world, from this body,
from pain, love, hate,
death, life,
it all ends
and sooner than we think
only to be reborn?
who knows
one day someone may know