skaredykat loves lists. ooooh, lists!
skaredykat loves
slash stories. skaredykat also loves
gen stories. skaredykat also loves
team stories. skaredykat also loves
het stories. skaredykat also loves
poly stories.
skaredykat loves
harlequiny stories. skaredykat also loves
non-harlequiny stories.
skaredykat loves
stories about communication. skaredykat also loves
stories about failure to communicate.
skaredykat loves
stories where they are young. skaredykat also loves
stories where they aren't.
skaredykat loves
stories where they do stupid things. skaredykat also loves
stories where they are smart.
skaredykat loves
angsty stories. skaredykat also loves
non-angsty stories.
skaredykat loves
less-angsty zombie stories. skaredykat also loves
more-angsty unicorn stories.
skaredykat loves
virtual weregiraffe stories. skaredykat also loves
actual wereanimal stories.
skaredykat loves
total crackfic. skaredykat also loves
skaredykat loves
stories of deceit. skaredykat also loves
stories where they stop lying.
skaredykat loves
funny stories. skaredykat also loves
sad stories.
skaredykat loves
stories set in canon AUs. skaredykat also loves
stories set in non-canon AUs.
skaredykat loves
stories where math is important. skaredykat also loves
stories where music rules.
skaredykat loves
stories of romantic love. skaredykat loves
stories of complicated love. skaredykat loves
stories of unrequited love. skaredykat loves
stories of non-romantic love. (skaredykat also enjoys
skaredykat mostly loves
to read stories. but sometimes skaredykat loves
silly comics. and other times skaredykat loves
beautiful vids.
♥ (and this is only the tiniest sampling)
ETA: I'm noticing some themes here. (Besides mostly McShep.) Lots of crack. Quite a bit of angst. And angsty-crack/cracky-angst (um, ugh, "crangst"?) ...