Title: Through Sickness and Health, Part 5
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Donghae
Author: Skipturnstep
Rating: R (for language)
Genre: Romance
Words: 4,335
Summary: Flashbacks of the ups and downs of Kyuhyun and Donghae's relationship, told in five parts.
Part 1 |
Part 2 |
Part 3 |
Part 4 (
I just don't know if I'm making the right choice. )
Comments 41
I can’t function properly without you - it’s like you’re one of my vital organs.”
Kyuhyun chuckled. “Your penis.”
Sequel pleassseeee! <3333
XD It's amazing the things I come up with at 6AM, running on no sleep...
And don't worry! I do have a sequel planned for this! ^__^ Thanks so much for your support.
I spent a lot of time analyzing these two, watching video after video so i could maybe get into their minds a bit. Kyuhyun's was like second nature since we have a lot in common, but Donghae's was a little more difficult. I'm glad I got it down right ^^
I've always felt very strongly about Eunhae's friendhip. I feel as if they really are like two halves of the same person but instead of lovers, theyre beat friends.
Also, don't worry too much aboit this being over -- I do have a 'sequel' of sorts planned, kind of like an epilogue, that takes them into their daily life. It takes place after Bonamana though ^^;
Thank you again for reading! It means a lot to me.
I haven't seen the dancing cuts yet XD But yes, it gives me a little more freedom with what I want to write. I'm not sure exactly what's going to play out with it, whether it's going to be an actual plot or if it's just going to be an overview of their lives, but I'll try and make it worth reading ^__^
Oh god, my other Kyuhae fic is horrible D: It was the first fic I had written in like...two years. It's tragic. And half-smut. And Kyuhyun calls Donghae 'oppa' XD But if you must, go right ahead. XD
And don't worry, even after this fic is over for real, this won't be the last Kyuhae you see out of me -- they're one of my favorite pairings and I really love the contrast in their personalities They're so much fun to write. ^__^
I love how you captured Donghae so perfectly in this, and along with him his insecurity and uncertainty. Beautiful. ♥ I'm glad that there was no miraculous "OMG MAKEOUT AND I LOVE YOU AGAIN" type ending, and that it stuck to reality but didn't fail to make my heart flutter.
;___; I'll miss this series, so I hope to see your writing again
Oh, and PS?
I'm writing a sequel. ^-^
lsdkhlsdhkg yay! Looking forward to it! ♥
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