{ I was walking along, minding my business, When LOVE came and hit me in the eye, Flash! Bam! Alakazam! Wonderful that 【 CLAIM HERE 】 came by ~ } About.. This is based off the lyrics to the song Orange Colored Sky. Various artists performed this song, but the most notable (well for me and others especially) is the version by Natalie Cole. I suggest looking it up on YouTube. ;D
Rules ➾ You can claim any character from any fandom! Anime/Manga, Music, Video Games, ETC. ➾ Please comment with the character's whole name, and what series/fandom he/she is from. ➾ Can claim up to 1 character. And, 3 users per claim. ➾ CTRL+F is your best friend. :3 ➾ No dead journals! Activity = love. ♥ ➾ Yes, you can edit the codes to your tastes. Just keep it essentially the same, and link back! ➾ When accepted please check if your claim is correct on the claim list. ➾ Have any questions? Feel free to ask! :D ➾ Credit; the image used in the code belongs to Cherish!
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http://i335.photobucket.com/albums/m441/mikan_smile/bc/hearbub.gif"> { I was walking along, minding my business, When http://community.livejournal.com/sky_station/3206.html">LOVE came and hit me in the eye, Flash! Bam! Alakazam! Wonderful that 【 CLAIM HERE 】 came by ~ }