Well, to be fair a lot of their problem children came off the books this year, and Teixeira was probably their best acquisition this winter. He protects A-Rod, and to a lesser extent, Jeter. The problem was their own two pickups, because Burnett's injury prone and has no guts and Sabathia's a three year rental for them barring a miracle or absolute suckage on CC's part. The pizza here is much better than what he had in Milwaukee, so I suppose he could pack on another 30 or 40 pounds.
I'm nothing but thrilled about the Mets pickups so far this season, btw, and hope we'll have Lowe in a couple of weeks. I'm resigned to keeping Castillo, as much as I would like a baller like Hudson. Que sera. I *don't* want Manny.
Comments 2
I'm nothing but thrilled about the Mets pickups so far this season, btw, and hope we'll have Lowe in a couple of weeks. I'm resigned to keeping Castillo, as much as I would like a baller like Hudson. Que sera. I *don't* want Manny.
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