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I'm on level 18 of
NotPronI've written almost 2500 words of Thesis and nearly fully analysed and tabulated one piece of data. My goal is 5000 words by the end of May, and three data analysis tables
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Comments 12
no offence to your mum, but i think she couldn't be more wrong in this situation. i mean, in general - out in the big, bad world? sure! expect people to take advantyage (although i believe you attract what you think a lot of the time) .. but family? no. these are the people who should nurture and protect. my nan used to always say to my sister and i when we were fighting (we were very young), that we were family. we don't have ANYONE except family. and that loving family is of utmost importance. i know families in general can be utter shits - i don't speak with any of my extended family because they are arseholes .. but immediate family? i think you SHOULD be able to expect kindness and respect.
your brother sounds like an attention seeking three year old. breathe. know that even people you love can be arseholes. and that you'll be moving soon anyway! :)
Only four or five more months!
that's good advice.....
Sorry I haven't been around much lately *more hugs*
Your family need to learn some f**king respect. I hate the way they treat you. I'm so glad you've turned out so much nicer than them.
*great big hug*
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