life is going pretty good- i have great friends, my family life isnt as awful as usual, im getting good grades... i think its all coming together. YAY!
last night was SCARY- so much drama. so much shit. but sooo much fun! haha
i want to go to the beach, work on my surfing. im getting better!
im going to look at life in a totally new way- i realize that life sucks, but i need to get over it and life it to the fullest. i know....its alot easier said than done, but im willing to try
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wow this is getting more complicated in my head. the devil on my shoulder is deffinitly beating the shit out of the angel while chanting "DO IT DAMN IT- YOU DONT NEED THIS SHIT". the angel on the other hand can say nothing bc the devil has it in a head lock so all i hear is "save me save me..." (in the creepy 'man-fly' voice) fuck
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wow..last night was a trip man. i cannot believe how awesome my mom is (having to come all the way to ucf to pick me up from the police station). i made SO many new friends too haha. that was a fuckin blast
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