Title: Oakdale is Not So Bad - Part 6
sleeper6Characters: Reid/Luke
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All belongs to As the World Turns, not me.
Summary: Sequel to
Dad is Not So Bad. After Reid moves to Oakdale to be with Luke, he has trouble adjusting to his new life and relationship.
Part 1/
Part 2/
Part 3/
Part 4/
Part 5 (
Luke and Reid talk and talk and talk )
Comments 28
I'm glad they're both talking and finally getting somewhere with it. Can't wait to see what's next!
They just needed to open their mouths and talk! :D
Thanks for reading!
Luke laughed as he snuggled closer to Reid. They lay in silence for a few minutes before Luke spoke up. “Reid? Remember what we talked about in the car?”
Reid groaned as he lay back and threw an arm over his eyes. “How could I forget? I’ve never talked so much in my life.”
Luke jabbed a finger into Reid’s side. “Reid, be serious.”
“I am. Seriously, you’re not going to get me to talk like that again for a long while. I’ve exceeded my limit for the next two years at least.”
Super Super Super
Now I can't wait to see what will play out with the Bob discussion.
I'm glad you liked that exchange! Thanks for reading!
(The comment has been removed)
Yeah, they had to get all this out so they can move forward.
Thank you for reading and commenting!
Thanks for reading!
Their talk♥
Luke not able to wait♥♥♥
If I didn’t move here, you were going to find someone else, maybe that Trevor guy you met in Dallas, and fall in love and, and if I’m being completely honest, I feel like that can still happen."...“You’re young, Luke,” Reid said, looking at Luke. “You might one day wonder what you’re doing with a grumpy old man with a thing for college guys.”
Reid's insecurity is heart-wrenching!
Thanks for the great comment! Glad you're enjoying the fic.
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