Title: Oakdale is Not So Bad - Part 10
sleeper6Characters: Reid/Luke, various Oakdale citizens, and . . . Damian
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All belongs to As the World Turns, not me.
Summary: Sequel to
Dad is Not So Bad. After Reid moves to Oakdale to be with Luke, he has trouble adjusting to his new life and relationship.
Notes: This is the end. Oh
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Comments 32
Even though Damian lied, I am glad he is really not so bad after all.
Reid laughed. “And that night we met, I’m glad you weren’t gay; otherwise, I never would’ve met Luke.”
Haha. I like their relationship.
Yay for happy endings! I really enjoyed this series. Thank you for sharing it with us. I can't wait to see what you come up with next.
So happy you caught this! It was important to show that Reid does believe Luke over anyone else.
Damian lies and manipulates but he is trying to be decent for Luke, he really is.
Thanks so much for reading! I'm waiting to see which prompt 'wins' so I can get started on my next fic. :)
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I know I took forever finishing this fic but I was going to finish it. Thanks for being patient along with everyone else.
Oh, I'm so glad and relieved that you like this version of Damian. He really was trying to be a good dad to Luke and he even wanted to be a good husband to Lily but he was too late for that.
Honestly, your comments always make me squee so thanks for always taking the time to read and comment. :)
Bad dad is not so bad
He will always choose for Luke his happiness. With some mistakes along the way.
Oakdale is not so bad.
Reid knows how crazy the town is but thankfully beliefs that being with Luke is worth the craziness. Even buying a house to make it official.
Thank you so much for reading!
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YES! You state it perfectly here.
Thanks so much for reading! I don't want the next one to be my last but we'll see. :)
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