Title: Oakdale is Not So Bad - Part 10
sleeper6Characters: Reid/Luke, various Oakdale citizens, and . . . Damian
Rating: R
Disclaimer: All belongs to As the World Turns, not me.
Summary: Sequel to
Dad is Not So Bad. After Reid moves to Oakdale to be with Luke, he has trouble adjusting to his new life and relationship.
Notes: This is the end. Oh
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Comments 32
Ha ha, nah, Damian ain't all bad but the guys don't and probably won't trust him completely. But well, at least he's trying to do right by Luke after everything he's put him through.
Now off to read your Fic Club story. So behind on that......
Thank You for continuing to write them.
Thank you for continuing to read! :)
Appreciate your comment!
And it was the beginning of an interesting relationship... Good thing Dad's not gay, good thing the doctor is. Good thing Dad's not so bad and neither is Oakdale - or so it seems ;)
Amazing job, Sleeper!
Thanks so much for all your comments throughout! They're very much appreciated.
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