a directory of all my fics, both on my old and current writing journal; click the word count to view the fic
the gift of memory is an awful curse
alfons/edward ∿ g ∿
335 bound to linger on
alfons/edward ∿ pg ∿
229 viciously lonely
alfons/edward ∿ pg13 ∿
541 wake up
alfons/edward ∿ pg13 ∿
561 like locked doors
alfons/edward ∿ pg13 ∿
461 plaything
envy/ed ∿ pg13 ∿
186 the better deal
pride!ed and envy ∿ pg15 ∿
552 no one here wants to fight me like you do
envy/ed ∿ pg15 ∿
334 things break
alfons/edward ∿ pg15 ∿
1557 replacement
vincent/gilbert (& gil/oz) ∿ pg13 ∿
314 fanmixes:
a friend who'll bleed is better
lust/greed ∿ 7 songs ∿
here i'm glad i didn't die before i met you
ed/alfons ∿ 8 songs ∿
here break the back of love
envy/ed ∿ 9 songs ∿
here i've underestimated my charm (again)
kurz/melissa ∿ 5 songs ∿
here born backwards
effy ∿ 6 songs ∿