I have mentioned the art skip, in which art is placed around this time of year. Nothing awesome so far (can we beat the glittering heraldic shields or the space rocket from last year
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Rootle in our garage when next you're visiting. There are various old bits of book shelving, although probably only pine, possible badly stained or painted funny colours to go with previous decorative schemes. Also, we need to clear out the garage, so you'd be doing us a favour as we take our recycling (hoarding) responsibilities seriously and don't want to just take it to the tip.
Comments 10
Rootle in our garage when next you're visiting. There are various old bits of book shelving, although probably only pine, possible badly stained or painted funny colours to go with previous decorative schemes. Also, we need to clear out the garage, so you'd be doing us a favour as we take our recycling (hoarding) responsibilities seriously and don't want to just take it to the tip.
Also, we need to clear out the garage
'Free with every plank - two IKEA bags of eldritch deliquescence!'
I will ask you about this when I see you, but in the meantime, remember that you like me best.
Failing that, a recent works clearout yielded several largish pieces, which could be cut down to the size you require.....
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