Title: Slow Decay
Pairing: Brian/Zacky
Rated: NC-17
Warnings: Mentions Jimmy's death
Summary: Sometimes it's a little more complex than Until death do we part.
Disclaimer: About as real as unicorns if you're not asking Mikey Way.
A/N: I know it's a bit short, but the rest will have much longer chapters.
Chapter Index (
Prologue )
Comments 14
Am looking foreward to more~!
This is the first chapter-fic I've read relating to Jimmy's death. After the last oneshot I read dealing with this topic, I promised myself I'd stay away because I cried too much, but this pulled me in instantly. This is beautiful and sad all the same and I can't wait to see what happens next.
( also, my apologies if this comment makes no sense -- I'm running on a mere 3 hours of sleep from almost 24 hours ago, and one cup of coffee D: )
(I totally get how you feel, that's how most of my life has been, 3 hour naps every 24 hours >___>)
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Like I said, it's gonna be a tough one to read, and to write, I reckon, but I have a feeling I'm gonna be enjoying this :)
.“Making you lunch.” Zacky replied in a ‘duh’ tone of voice as he started looking through the cupboards. “Oh. And moving in.” He added as an afterthought.
I'm off to
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