Sep 22, 2005 19:23
ok so apparently i can't say the way i feel on this piece of shit thing.
Jun 04, 2005 23:39
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: sim gay
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: sim gay
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: huh??
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: huh??
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: im gay*
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: im gay*
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: lmao
Psycopunker12 [11:37 PM]: lmao
im soooo bored X 9,999,999,999,999,.99999999
call me... plz
Jun 04, 2005 10:48
i just made my "myspace" by myself and i have greeley estates in the background YAAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY X 1231047237852357043 theyre the est band ever.
Jun 02, 2005 07:40
so i skipped fourth hour and hung out with lorena and kristy. i had fun.
give me a call anyone if you want to chill over the summer.
tomorrow = ppls getting ass kick = fun
ima chill with stella and shit and not be bored.
p.s. someone remind me i have to call lorena at some weird hour at night (any suggestions on what time?).
Jun 01, 2005 03:08
things are going great and the way i want!!!
hope it stays this way and there is a good outcome.
i dont want school to end now lol
all year i wanted it to end and now the end is here and im gonna miss school alot.
May 31, 2005 21:25
uhhhh i never have anything to say. so ummmmmmmmmm its the end of the school year and i cant sign yearbooks for my life. i post less and less with time progress. whatev got some new stuff going down and i got to keep up with it so put my smile one and keep on going. =\
May 18, 2005 15:38
why cant i get a chick? god dammit!
someone comment and plz tell me why.