I am in utter fucking awe. Tonight was the best night I've spent in Texas, one of my top 3 concert experiences ever. If I didn't have to get up in 4 hours, I'd write more now.
I gambled with some of my classmates tonight. Texas holdem. Called beforehand, asked who was coming, trying to get a picture of how I'd fare for the evening. Almost didn't come, was too scared of losing money but couldn't find a reason not to go. Put $10 on the table. Walked out with $35.
Hot damn this Heathen material is highly questionable... Its amazing how good it sounded when I saw Bowie a couple years ago at Area 2 before hearing the studio stuff
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I'm voting absentee and got my lil goodie packet in the mail today. I still haven't decided on the pres issue (whether to vote my conscience - 3rd party, or otherwise
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Josie is healthy and unquarantined now. The vet said she's probably 5-6 and her only problem really is a heart murmur that isn't an issue right now but could become one
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