Pending May 2007 graduation, I will be awarded a Presidential Scholarship at Lehigh! :-D Now it's time to apply to other graduate schools and see how much they are willing to shell out . . .
Let me preface: I hate politics and politicians. Lately, however, hearing about the John Kerry joke (the one that was intended and/or the one that came out) is unavoidable. Therefore, I thought it hilarious when I saw this:
Does anybody else find the Dining Halls' "Cans Across America" campaign hilarious? It reminds me of the 7UP commercials a few years back with the "Show us your can" campaign.
After having united the only two people in our class without a partner, Professor Varley declared, "Come on, it's not like you have to sleep together."
He followed that up with, "I hope you aren't offended by my jokes, because I'm rich and I don't care."
Since I'll be receiving Textbooks and my EZ-PASS information in the upcoming weeks, I sent an email to the post office at Lehigh to stop forwarding my mail home. I got this response from Mail Services
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