This entry is "Batch B" of my "Lab Ratz" themed icons. Though my original intention was not to do a sort of "mood spectrum" of icons, many of them turned out that way. In any case, here's batch B. Batch A consisted of icons from "Lab Rats" and "You Kill Me." This batch consists of icons from "A Space Oddity" and "Field Mice." Batch C will be more from those two episodes.
Credit smilesinc if you use any, or post them anywhere else.
^^ This first rule is important to avoid breaking the second rule, which is do not claim that you made these - that's stealing.
Comments are wonderful and highly encouraged, but you do not HAVE to tell me if you take and use these, so long as you follow the two above rules.
Please refrain from hotlinking.
Do not edit these icons.
Enjoy them!
Please comment!
Icons 1-24 CSI 1-4 Henry Andrews 5 - Archie Johnson 6-11 Wendy Simms 12-15 David Hodges 16-24 Wendy/Hodges (Wedges)