Note! I won't be posting here that often now. I'd be over at my graphics community more often. Still, this is not going to be dead! Just hop over to 27 Memories to view my most recent submissions.
HELLO. AS OF NOW, SMILETACULAR WILL NOT BE SMILETACULAR NO MORE. :B I'll be moving over to monsterinyou so add me over there to follow up with updates. (: That's only applicable to those that I'm already friends of. Others would just have to comment BEFORE you add me, tyvm. (:
Yes, once I get the admin-ish stuff done, I'll be posting to any communities with
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Four banners that I made just recently 'cos I couldn't decide on which banner to submit for the banner-making comp. And, no, none of this banners are chosen to be submitted. Comment?
Since these icons were published before, I'll make this post public to everyone :D All these icons are back from Smile! for the camera (: Look under the cut then (; Do note that I only took some, since I'm a bit lazy to upload them all, and some aren't that good anyway. (; Hopefully I haven't duplicated them, 'cos there are a lot of icons to stuff
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