my AIM is WARNING SIDBITES if anyone feels the need to talk to me there. I don't get on the computer as much these days as much as I'd like so.. sorry if I'm not around much. ):
I just... I dont know... I... gosh. Mum's in the hospital with a broken hip. Dad finally snapped... ._. but we told the doctor she tripped down the stairs.
People are fighting and being dumb. -_- My family is over so naturally hell is breaking loose! Woohoo!! As per usual my cousin is being a drunk bastard and dad is keenly joining him. Mom hasn't been hom all day. -_- I think she ran off again.
Ditched my old LJ [which will remain unnamed] because the flist was too big and whatnot and I absolutely hated some of the people on my friends list. -_- Frightening annoying sons of...
Well anyway, yeah. I'm Sid. :D This is my new journal. XD Profile's mostly done... I'm gonna go rejoin my communities now. Woohoo!