There's nothing like needing chocolate and actually having chocolate truffles in your fridge. Birthday chocolate truffles at that. Thank you,
I'll refrain from summarizing the results of the
Son of Fanfic Poll until Wednesday night or so, since
cathexys asked to link it from
metafandom and I want to give anyone who comes in from there enough time.
I emptied five boxes today! It's not quite achievement, but it's certainly progress.
I have the weirdest thing this week where I'm just not interested in eating. This is not normal for me.
I have a writing project to finish up this week and then it's back to the last chapter of TBTILAF. If I get it done by October 17th, I can say it took exactly a year. Not very fast, but it's over 87K words at the moment, so I wasn't totally slacking. I kinda want to talk about all the other things I want to write when it's complete, but that's probably...*handwave*...distracting.
So instead I'm stealing a meme from
marag because I've been (quietly, sorry!) enjoying her answers.
You post a topic, list, category, whatever, in my comments section. (examples: "Five Phrases Batman Will Never Say", or "Five Jobs Daniel Wishes He Had"). Then, in a separate post, I'll post the answers to all your Top 5 ideas, according to me. Serious or fun!
Also, I suddenly have the urge to make my journal layout all old-Hollywood and Huntress/Question. Clearly it's one of those chocolate-needing days.