Title: The Innocent Package Pairing: Severus Snape/Hermione Granger Rating: PG Summary: He wants to stay mad at her, but she always seems to know how to smooth things over.
Aww, I woke up on a lovely, snowy Sunday morning to this! This! Thank you so much, delayed_poet, for this absolutely fantastic piece. I loved the mood in it. Agreeing with the other reviewers, the last line is such a great finishing touch. And it is so in character for Hermione and her tenacious nature to 'somehow find' the book Severus had been searching for for twenty years. Thank you again, you've made my day! *snatches the gift and runs with it*
I'm so glad you enjoyed this! You are so very welcome! I rather thought it would fit for Hermione to find the book, and it was conveniently just the way to win him over! lol :)
Severus, you dummy, you might as well give it up and be happy now, instead of torturing yourself (and poor Hermione) for some indeterminate time until you give in anyway. :-P
Comments 20
Thank you again, you've made my day! *snatches the gift and runs with it*
Happy Christmas!
Merry Christmas to you, as well!
Beautifully done!
Thank you!
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