Master List of SnarkyLlama's Fics

Dec 31, 2010 13:00

Fandoms# of fics Final Fantasy 62 Get Backers1 Hikaru no Go12 Initial D2 Katamari Damacy2 Pop (*NSYNC, BSB, Britney)24 The Professionals2 Sports Night5 Starsky & Hutch1 Suikoden I & II5

I grant blanket permission to remix/podfic/[insert other creative fandom activity here] any of the works listed here, except for Mama C's Guide... which is a Work in Progress.

Note: Fic titles link to the most recently edited versions on AO3 (Archive of Our Own).  Alternate links are listed below the fic description.

Final Fantasy 6 (a.k.a. FF3) fic by "Seiji"

+Where's your ninja superiority now?
(400 words; Gen)
Locke's got something to prove to Shadow.  (For surlykitty)
On LJ:
**Hostilecrayon remixed this as What's a King to Do? (The Holy Airships Remix) for Remix Madness 2011 and coined my new most-favorite exclamation ever.

+Five Cones
(600 words; Gen)
Locke buys ice cream for the group.  (For surlykitty)
On LJ:

Get Backers fic by "inky"

+Her Favorite Color
(1,500 words; Aug 2003; Romance; Madoka + Shido)
Shido thinks Madoka's world is more beautiful than his.  Modoka wants to be where Shido is.
(This remains by far my most popular fic on that I even have access to the email that penname is associated with anymore.  Amazing how many more comments het fics get!)
on LJ:

Hikaru no Go fic by "SnarkyLlama"

+A Highly Contested Account

+The Highly Contested Account of Shindou Hikaru's First Kiss
(500 words; March 2011; Smutty fluff; Shindou/Touya)
The title summarizes it well.
on LJ:

+A Thoroughly Reliable Report of Touya Akira's First Kiss
(1150 words; March 2011; Fluffy smut; Shindou/Touya)
Companion to "The Highly Contested Account..."
on LJ:

+Fighting Words
(100 words; April 2011; Gen)
Hikaru's got a big mouth.  Prompt: "Them's fighting words!"
on LJ:

+A Touch of Seasoning
(100 words, April 2011; Shindou/Touya)
Hikaru eats nori.  Prompt: Touch
on LJ:

+(Surely Exhibitionism is) Just Another Part of Sai's Legacy
(2,900 words; April 2011; Smut; Shindou/Touya)
For the kink meme.  Prompt: Exhibitionism.
**Hostilecrayon wrote a tiny follow-up to this, Think of Me (The I Like to Watch Remix) for Remix Madness 2011.  It's got me thinking about sequels.

+Like Throwing Ropes around Ghosts
(4,300 words; April 2011; Smut; Shindou/Touya)
For the kink meme.  Prompt: Bondage and dirty talk.

+REMIX: A is for Android (The 'C is for Chicken' Mix)
(645 words; April 2011; Humour; Shindou/Touya)
Touya's hair is too perfect.
My remix of mousapelli's V for Victory (which is a must read for one of the best lines ever) for Remix Madness 2011.

+REMIX: If at First You Don't Succeed (The Try, Try Again Mix)
(1,800 words; April 2011; Shindou/Touya)
Shindou's working towards a goal.  Touya keeps inadvertently thwarting him.
My remix of hostilecrayon's Pajama Party for Remix Madness 2011.

+REMIX: Natural (The 'People Put Their Mouths There?!' Remix)
(2,500 words; May 2011; Smut; Shindou/Touya)
Hikaru overhears something on the train that makes him want to try it with Touya.
My remix of verloren1983's Instinct for Remix Madness 2011.

+Brooding Hens, Late-Blooming Plants and Heian Beekeepers
(1,300 words; May 2011; Gen)
Hikaru is a late bloomer.  Mitsuko worries, not knowing that this is all for the best.  (My fic for Blind Go: Round 11.  The version on AO3 has some significant edits to the blind_go version.)

+A Taste like Ashes
(228 words; May 2011; Gen; Shindou & Touya)
Touya tries to not feel resentful.  Prompt: cookies (For hostilecrayon)

(268 words; May2011; Dialogue only, Shindou and Yashiro)
Yashiro knows.  Prompt: "What do you mean you don't know where we are?!" (For hostilecrayon)

Initial D fic by "inky"

+The Essay
(7,300 words; Jan 2003; Smut; Takeshi/Keisuke)
And shit, did it ever hurt, being slammed against the wall so hard I thought my spine would snap against the towel rack and he would just fold me and leave me there to hang...
(I think this was my first completed fanfic.  *cringes*)
on LJ:

Initial D fic by "Seiji"

+Kenta's One True Love
(1,300 words; Parody Smut; Kenta/Keisuke's car)
Like a satisfied lover, the FD slumbered.
on LJ:

Katamari Damacy fic by "Seiji"

+Before Virgo
(275 words; Nov 2004; Gen)
The Prince receives another royal present.  (For surlykitty)
on LJ:

(300 words; Jan 2005; Gen)
Trousers--they're not just fashionable.  (For surlykitty)
on LJ:

PopFic by "SnarkyLlama"

+Disney Princess 'Verse

+My Big Gay Disney Courtship
(12,800 words; Dec 2007; Romance; Joey + JC)
The Fatones have a plan, and JC wants to be part of their family. (MTYG fic for ariadnem)
at MTYG:
on LJ: Part 1 : Part 2

+Rainbows Come Smiling Through
(6,000 words; May 2008; Romance; Joey/JC)
The big smutty epilogue to My Big Gay Disney Courtship.
on LJ:

+Put Them Together and What Have You Got? (Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Boo)
(3,700 words; May 2008; Romance; JC/Joey/Kelly)
Adding Kelly to the equation.  Disney Princess 'verse #3.
on LJ:

+Girl Stuff
(8,100 words; March 2008; Romance/Humor; Britney + Lynn, Britney/Justin, and a surprise)
Britney is fascinated with Justin's momma.
on LJ:

+Make-Up and Kiss
(7,500 words; April 2008; Friendship; JC and Lance-centric, with implied Justin/Chris)
JC has some concerns about Lance's 29th birthday.
on LJ:

+The Tailor and the Beautiful Men of Somewhat Normal Stature
(2,300 words; May 2008; JC-centric)
A Pop AU retelling of the "Tailor and the Elves" fairy tale.
on LJ:

+[digital-age remix, the same old story]
(6,100 words; June 2008; Drama; JC/Chris)
They can't battle JC's demons for him.  (Not an actual remix; something I tried for the Dragon Day Challenge.)
on LJ:

+The Amazing Tale of JC, the Lunch Lady of Warehouse D
(5,200 words; June 2008; AU with BSB, too)
It wasn't ever part of his life's plan, but JC actually enjoys being the lunch lady down at Warehouse D.  (Written for the Dragon Day Challenge.)
on LJ:

+Do Not Arouse or Awaken Love (Until It So Desires)
(11,700 words; Justin + JC)
After his break-up with Britney, Justin begins to figure things out. (JuC Swap 2008 fic for silveryscrape)
on LJ: Part 1 : Part 2

+Rabbits' Feet, Kisses, and Invisible Gay Necklaces
(6,800 words; Justin + JC)
Justin pushes his luck. (JuC Swap 2008 fic for withdiamonds)
on LJ:

+oral sex comment fic for ephemera_pop
(159 words; Aug 2008; JC/Joey/Kelly)
on LJ:

(560 words, Dec 2008; Chris MPREG for musicboxgirl)
I'm never going to do more with this, but I think it can stand on its own.  Chris,  who has been knocked up by Nick Carter, ponders the old nature/nuture debate and his baby's grandmothers.
on LJ:

+How JC Escaped from Planet Sequin and Got His Groove Back
(17,800 words; December 2008; Chris/JC)
JC starts spontaneously glittering. (MTYG fic for strippedhalo)
on LJ: Part 1 : Part 2
Stellamira did a fairytale commentary remix of this fic which made me LOL (repeatedly).

+Heineken and Daisies
(420 words; December 2008; Chris/JC/Lance)
Has someone signed Lance up for the Flowers & Booze of the Month Club? (Comment fic for randomling)
on LJ:
**Chalcopyrite did a very amusing 'Baby, We Need to Talk' remix of this.  Read it after you read mine! (The combination of the two is so much better than mine alone.)

+It's the Thought that Counts
(198 words; December 2008; JC/Justin)
JC doesn't want Justin to make a big deal about Christmas. (Comment fic for rikes)
on LJ:

+I Saw Daddy Kissing Santa Claus
(390 words; December 2008; Chris/JC and a baby)
Just a bit of warm fuzziness for the holidays. (Daddy!TrickC comment fic for musiclover03)
on LJ:

+His Little Button Eyes
(760 words; April Fool's Day 2009; JC/TeddyBear!Joey)
Crack!fic for turps33.  Please be warned: It's a PWP with JC and Joey (who has been turned into a teddy bear). Yes. It's a plushie sex fic.
on LJ:

+REMIX: The Other Side of the Street (the Ziggy is a P.I.M.P. Telephone Tag Remix)
(12,900 words; July 2009; Chris/JC and an incident of Howie/Kevin)
JC and Kevin are veteran body-swappers. My remix of puszysty's Other Side of the Steet.
on LJ: Part 1 : Part 2


+From Mama C's Guide to Intergalactic Etiquette, Chapter One: Don't Look a Gift Newt in the Mouth
(28,600 words; December 2009; JC/Lance)
The first part of my epic alien!MPREG fic.  (MTYG fic for nopseud)
at MTYG:

+Belly Braille
(280 words; December 2008; JC/Lance)
You'll notice this was written a year before the alien!MPREG fic.  This is an alien!MPREG comment fic written for nopseud.  Lance is the same sort of alien, and JC is definitely knocked up, but it doesn't fit in the same fic'verse otherwise.
on LJ:

+The Things He Does
(530 words; December 2009; a boxing!Lance ficlet for pensnest)
Lance has muscles, and JC has fantasies... 
on LJ:

+The Pussycat Monologues
(21,600 words; December 2010; JC/Lance with a little AJ/JC/Nick and background AJ/Nick)
JC gets a cat and a new boyfriend... eventually.  (MTYG fic for Mirjam)
at MTYG:

+Home Cooking
(100 words; March 2011; Gen; Britney)
Britney "cooks" for Justin.  (for kira_j)

+REMIX: Firebird Suite (Celebrity Mix)
(3,400 words; April 2011; Gen; Magic; *NSYNC)
The boys seek a firebird.  What they find may not be what they expected.
My remix of nothern's Snippet 12 for Remix Redux 9.

The Professionals fic by "SnarkyLlama"

+Four Days in August (Or: Snapshots from Two Gay Rats on Honeymoon)
(12,100 words; June 2006; Explicit Slash; Bodie/Doyle)
"It's not just a holiday, is it? It's something special." (for kiwisue)
on LJ: Part 1 : Part 2

+Much Ado about Nothing
(10,500 words; June 2006; Slash; Bodie/Doyle)
Christ, it was a straight out of bleedin' story book! His partner was off with the fairies, and Cowley was talking in riddles like Rumplestiltskin. (for thoraarwin)
on LJ:

Sports Night fic by "Seiji"

+Karma Collisions
(450 words, Dec 2005)
"I'm sorry, my young friend, but alliterative puns are a controlled substance..."
on LJ:

drabbles written for the LJ comm, sn100 (links go to LJ)
+Anonymity (100 words; Nov 2004; Casey, pre-divorce)
+Moving Target (100 words; Nov 2004; Danny, post-Rebecca)
+Black and Blue for Christmas (100 words; Dec 2004; Casey and Danny)
+99% Perspiration (100 words; Dec 2005; Casey/Danny)

Starsky & Hutch fic by "Seiji"

+untitled snippet
(300 words; June 2005)
Starsky had a larger collection of guileless looks than the sleaziest of used-car salesmen...
on LJ:

Suikoden fic by "Seiji"

+Zen and the Art of Dragon Sword Maintenance
(6,300 words; March 2003; Action/Adventure/Humor; Viktor and Flik)
Flik and Viktor work on building their fort. If it weren't for the sentient weeds...
on LJ:

+Tell Him his Crudeness Always Saw Me through Hard Times
(2,100 words; April 2003; Romance; Flik + Odessa, Flik + Viktor)
Choosing you was... choosing to believe in herself.
on LJ:

+There are No Corners
(5,500 words; Oct 2003; Smut; Flik/Viktor)
There go my lips again. Always letting stupid stuff slip out.
on LJ:

(1,200 words; Feb 2005; Romance; Flik/Odessa, Flik + Viktor)
If kisses were words...
on LJ:

+Perfect World
(300 words; Feb 2005; Friendship; Viktor and Flik)
In a perfect world, the beer is never-ending.
on LJ:

master list

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