Mukahi, dinner was especially delicious tonight. I can tell you put a great deal of effort into making each dish perfectly. I can honestly say you achieved that goal this time.
I didn't sleep at all last night. Mukahi, did you change anything in the recipes you used yesterday for my meals? Or should I just chock this up to bad luck and look forward to crashing later?
Also, while I'm thinking of it, Saeki now that you're back would you like to continue to spar with me in our spare time?
Mukahi, prepare one bag a piece for us this weekend. We are going to a hot spring, and the next time we have a break I expect you to speak up if you wish to go somewhere.
Mukahi, I will be late for dinner. Please, move it back an hour and prepare my bath for my return. I'm spending an extra hour in the gym today to work through the routine I will be teaching the children tomorrow.
Yukimura, if you have a moment of free time, I would like to speak with you tonight.
Mukahi, please stay in our quarters while I visit with Yukimura and iron my gi properly for tomorrow. I am certain that Sanada will provide for all my needs while I am visiting with his master.
Mukahi, I will be paying a visit to the headmaster today and if he agrees with the proposition I have for him we will be visiting the orphanages around the area in coming days.
Also, I have the paperwork filled out to leave the grounds tonight. Please, file it with the office and then make sure you are ready after my last class this evening.