As I have recently accquired a plethora of games consoles, and lots of games to got with them, I have a public poll*. I have recently completed Metroid Fusion, Zero Mission and Halo but which should I move onto and complete next? Here's one from each platform
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The new PS2 controller that I have purchased to replace the one that my brother has knackered, and the new memory card to replace the one I lost at uni, have really given my PS2 a new lease of life. I have finally started to play all of those PS2 games that I bought over winter without the drawback of a locking analogue stick. And I'm playing lots
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I removed all of my userpics, and have started to re-upload new ones. This is mainly as I was getting bored of the old ones. Might pay to get a lot of slots, as you don't get much as a free member. Will rotate them on a more regular basis too.
So, to kick things off, here are some Metroid avatars.