So, I've been out of touch with LJ lately... it's hard to type entries one-handed, and Connor hasn't figured out how to pick out individual keys yet, so dictation's out. Plus, drool's bad for the keyboard
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My roommate overfeeds my cats. I'm grateful for his help since I'm away often, but I could barely afford to keep up with the food costs even if it were good for them. And now he complains that they're always begging.
What if you hid your food? Left a tiny container of it in plain sight(maybe low cal/cheap food they won't eat?) so that when she tries to feed them she'll see that and put that out instead of the fancy stuff? Or a note supposedly to your husband in big letters on the cat food saying "REMEMBER DEAR! Cats are on a DIET and need PLAY and WATER, Not Food! I am the only one feeding them!"
love reading your updates! your life seems full of interesting events. unfortunately, i've been working a lot lately . . . scratch that. . . FORTUNATELY, i've been working a lot lately and making mullah, but that leaves little time for interesting. i'm living vicariously, keep the updates coming (when you get two free hands that is!).
Comments 3
Good to see you passing through here, though.
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