Feb 09, 2009 21:35
Steph, where have you gone! I miss you.
Oct 29, 2008 20:01
My partner wrote a book. It is a good book. It is a good book about being an infantry man in the Iraq War. It is a tough read.
Brace yourself if you're strong enough. If not, tell your local librarian to buy it.
Bristol's Bastards
by Nicholas Maurstad
Apr 11, 2007 12:44
And even as I wonder, I’m keeping you in sight.
You’re a candle in the window on a cold dark winter’s night.
Apr 02, 2007 23:09
Stephen Colbert makes my day worthwhile.
Mar 28, 2007 12:12
Can we do Sunday at 6? It's when Beth starts working.
Hope your quiz went well. Why can't mine be over yet.
I sent you many Supernatural clips. My cousin is giving me a SN CD.
You owe me a note. High school style.
Mar 10, 2007 18:17
Laura says I sound like an old man.
Polar bears are not disappointing.
The Pope and the Witch was disappointing.
Mar 01, 2007 09:27
Brian, can you see how bad it is out? No? Well, that's because you can't see through the wall of white.
Give me my day off.
Feb 20, 2007 19:20
Where can I watch whole episodes of "Extras" free?