Title: Resistance
Characters: Jack/Ianto, mentions of others
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Even when the Earth is almost lost, some people will do whatever it takes to keep fighting.
A/N: For
au_abc prompt
Cyberpunk (prompt meanings listed behind the link). Betaed by
51stcenturyfox, with thanks
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Comments 49
It certainly is a whole new level of fucked up messed up for them.
It's both terrible and beautiful at the same time.
Will there be more of this?
Wow. I didn't expect that. I feel like I should apologise. :) Sorry! But thank you for coming back.
This is an extremely twisted and messed up AU on the whole. There is likely to be more because I can't get Bionic Ianto out of my head now. It will probably be just as screwed up if not more so, though if I ever get to the end it will be happy. :) I can't end on angst.
Thank you for reading it again. :)
The first time I started, I could see where it was going, and I so hate crying into my keyboard - it's a bugger to get dried out and working again!
I want to see more in this universe.
(I hope your keyboard didn't suffer too much)
Jack paused for a second, and Ianto tried to tell himself it wasn’t relief that flashed across Jack’s face as he gave a forced smile and nodded.
Ahhh. That’s really the kicker, it’s one of those versions of Ianto going on for Jack, but as much as the reader wants it, it’s just wrong.
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