Even if the garden is very large I know every place in it so I don't get lost, but this isn't the garden! I'm sure I was playing hide and seek there with Master Clow just a moment ago, but now.. This place..
Just as I was thinking about how none of this world's oddities had affected me lately this happens, but I guess it was my own fault for getting distracted in thought in the first place even after having heard about this strange water.
That snowball fight was so much fun :D Afterwards I went and built a snowman by the dorms' building entrance, it has a scarf and all! My fingers are kind of numb from the cold, but it's not too bad, just need to remember where I left my gloves..
This is the perfect weather for hot chocolate and donuts, maybe some marshmallows too!
Hm.. I wonder where that hands lotion went. Could've sworn I left it in that drawer.. Oh well, I'll just get a new one while shopping for groceries tomorrow.
Ever since that day when Clow-san helped me I've been feeling much better; I owe you a meal, Clow-san! ^^ Ah, I'm not really sure of what kind of food you like so I thought I'd ask first.