well! i had no idea how much my friends are truely annoyed by and hate a certain someone. cruel... but felt like i was the only one for so long. Good to know
Penso che sia giusto andando cominciare i pali di scrittura nell'italiano cosi soltanto le persone fido di o l'intelligente puo dire effettivamente che scrivo circa. ciao
Hey, did everyone know there is a program that allows you to see a persons "Friends only" journal posts without being on their friends list? ya... since it does work... im not gunna post anything personal on LJ anymore, probably just going to shut it down.
Well last night was a night to remember, gotta try new things. i dont normally hang out with that group soooo. overall a wierd night but i guess it turned out OK.
"The future has yet to happen... think of it and not the past."
It has come to my attention that someone seems to SN to the ITCH. If you have a problem with anyones live journal or xanga, contact that person, Livejournal services, Xanga services, or just keep quite. Anything else is pretty cruel and cowardly.