Title: Grey Soul Rating: PG Word Count: 100 Challenge: 494 - Bleak Midwinter Characters: Severus, Remus A/N: Inspired by This MeetingThe wind blew through his hair, ice crystals like sand numbing his face. The sky was grey as his soul, just the kind of weather Severus was made for
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Title: By Venus' Light Author: alisanne Pairing/Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin. Word Count: 100 Rating: PG Challenge: Written for snape100's prompt #590: Snape and the Planets: Venus. Warning(s): (highlight to see) *Canon character death.* A/N: It's been a while since I've written this pairing. :) Beta(s): sevfan and emynn. Disclaimer: The characters contained herein
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Title: Never Too Late Author: inkgeist Word Count:100 Warnings: Unbeta-ed Disclaimer: I own nothing, its all JKR's. A/N: A tough last challenge considering that I read Last Supper and only see the painting. Though this is really late, I couldn't let this last challenge pass without at least one drabble and now it looks like this one invited friends
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Title: The Last Supper Author: alisanne Word Count: 100 x 6 Rating: PG Challenge: Written for Snupin100's prompt #500: The Last Supper. Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin. Beta(s): sevfan and emynn. Authors Notes: I'm not sure why I decided that angst was the proper send off for this community, but this is how the prompt spoke to me. *shrugs* Be warned, this is written in
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This week's challenge is The Last SupperAnd, as some of you already know, I've decided that the 500th challenge is to be the last one. We've gone on a lot longer than most of the other drabble communities and I just think it's a nice round number to end on. But, saying that, people are still welcome to post drabbles and drawbles here, either from
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Title: End Game Author: alisanne Word Count: 100 x 10 Rating: PG Challenge: Written for Snupin100's prompt #499: The Fidelius Charm. This is the FINAL INSTALLMENT (OMG!) in my Snupin School Days Series ( LJ/IJ/DW). Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin. Beta(s): sevfan and emynn. Authors Notes: AU. Severus saves the day, although Lupin helps
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Title: Adrift at Sea Author: alisanne Word Count: 100 x 8 Rating: PG Challenge: Written for Snupin100's prompt #498: All at Sea. This is the next in my Snupin School Days Series ( LJ/IJ/DW). Characters: Severus Snape/Remus Lupin. Beta(s): sevfan and emynn. Authors Notes: AU. Severus needs help. Disclaimer: The characters contained herein are not mine. No money is being made
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Title: Seaside Risks & Consequences Rating: G Challenge: 498 - All at Sea Characters: Remus, Severus A/N: Because the way I imagine it, Severus, I think, is not a sea-loving person, and would probably be so very bored.