2009 Reading #104: Summer of '49

Nov 14, 2009 14:12

Books 1-10.
Books 11-20.
Books 21-30.
Books 31-40.
Books 41-50.
Books 51-60.
Books 61-70.
Books 71-80.
Books 81-90.
Books 91-100.
101. The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down: A Hmong Child, Her American Doctors, and the Collision of Two Cultures by Anne Fadiman.
102. Brown Harvest by Jay Russell.
103. Dab Neeg Hmoob: Myths, Legends and Folk Tales from the Hmong of Laos, Charles Johnson, editor and Se Yang, associate editor.

104. Summer of '49 by David Halberstam. Another loan from janradder. This one covers the rivalry between the Red Sox and Yankees during (you guessed it) the 1949 season, a season in which the American League pennant came down to a one-game playoff between the two teams. Some great profiles here of players, sportswriters, owners, and fans, although at times--since I'm not that familiar with the rosters of these teams during that period--I got a bit lost with all the names. As usual, the sportswriters come across as some of the most colorful characters; they make all the best wisecracks. But there are also tall tales of players like Ellis Kinder, the Red Sox pitcher and notorious party hound, Dom Dimaggio and his little-known brother Joe, and Teddy Ballgame himself, the greatest hitter who ever lived. Halberstam has an engaging style and an eye for colorful details. Recommended for any baseball fan, but SPOILER ALERT: it ain't a happy ending, because the Yankees win, again.

books, baseball, 2009 reading

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