Books 1-10.
Books 11-20.
Books 21-30.
Blonde Faith by Walter Mosley.
The House on Mango Street by Sandra Cisneros.
Justice League of America, Volume 2 by Gardner Fox, Mike Sekowsky, et al. Either Fox or his superiors must have realized, at some point, that the pattern of 1. Strange New Villain/Unexpected Return of Old Villain who 2. Stumbles Upon Seemingly Unbeatable Power/Has Seemingly Unbeatable Diabolical Plan but is foiled when the JLers 3. Suddenly Switch Tactics/Reveal That They Anticipated Everything And Had the Fight Won Before It Even Started--you know, that pattern--was getting a bit stale. Here are new members, team-ups with the Justice Society of Earth-2, and fewer attempts to shoehorn every single member into every single issue. It's still a bit repetitive, but I guess I'm making allowances because it's unlikely that anyone involved expected that any nearly-40-year-old-dudes would be sitting around 40 years later reading these collected issues with a critical eye.