sorry to post like crazy today. i'm feeling an urge to drink at the moment and my husband is napping - i figured posting is a good thing to do. it's silly where the urge came from - we had snow today, and a friend on facebook made a comment about how she's snowed in and has 4 bottles of wine and snack food and is having a movie marathon with a
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Comments 7
I LOVE this post. For many reasons. Almost every word you said in here is something that has gone through my head or something I have talked about. I started to copy a section and was going to paste it in this reply and talk about it, till I realized I was going to end up copying the same thing. I think this post is going to do a lot for you. It makes you see A LOT. I made a list of my drinking habits and I look at it often. It really makes me realize a lot.
The part that reminded me the most about myself was "what do I enjoy about my addiction?". I'm telling you, its word for word for me. I hope that by you writing this, for your sake, really helps
Good luck with the SMART! : )
i'm glad you could relate to it! i do plan on coming back to this post fairly often - and even redoing the questions every so often, as time goes on and things get clearer and clearer. i hope i find more useful tools on the smart site. <3
And I'm a firm believer in the power of listmaking. ;)
And the excerpt from the book that you posted earlier totally made me cry. BINGO! Yeah, that was it, exactly, especially the beginning.
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