uh wow, the last time i posted it was snowy outside & i was buried in a library. currently, i am enjoying a warm & peaceful clear night on my front porch :]
I'm HOME in westland, and truly enjoying my summer. it rules.
I hope everyone else is doing awesome =) I'll update in another 6 months.
I'm moving today! I'm psyched! I think it'll be a little weird @ first and my routine will be knocked off a little but all in all this is a very good thing. So I'll update you all when I'm settled and everything and I'll (hopefully) tell you how amazing it is =)
I'm moving out of my apartment and getting a new one! I'm psyched! I don't exactly know who will be taking over my sub-lease just yet... but I'm praying to jesus I find someone!!!!
so im pretty upset about this student loan thing. i have absolutely zero established credit because i just turned 18 so why the hell would i? sooooo now i need a co-signer. annnd i really dont like not being able to have control over my own finances. andddd im going to be in debt forever. yayyyyy college!
Today rocked . Seriously. We just hung out & did whatever we felt like :) Way cool.
Oh yeah - if any of you guys havent yet seen the movie Faceoff w/ John Travolta & Nicholas Cage....goooo rent it! Chris made me watch it & it was really good :o)