May 15 - May 31
It comes as a cry in the night, shattering the slumbering peace of the island. Lights blaze in the hostel to illuminate the grisly scene: the Apostello courier Rhama lifeless on the bed, his throat slit. Poor Polyxene the first one to find him, giving an unsteady scream sure to wake the rest of the building before she calls for help. It is not long before the Legion members arrive to police the scene, and word of the killing spirals out through the city tiers like wildfire.
The dawn brings only more dreadful news as Captain Dorieus returns to announce he's found the wreckage of the Apostello on an outlying sandbar. The timbers have been scorched and burned but not by fire -- some other power that could only be that of a spell. Grim news even if it does seem to partially exonerate the Congeries, whose talents lay surely not in the arcane.
The city is not proving to be the safest place right now. It's not just the attack on the Apostello that is worrisome, but what some people here might do while taking advantage of that first attack. Be sure your own property is secure. Make it impossible for anyone to steal from you. The cost of hiring workmen for this shouldn't be a worry. The more people you have working on their own projects for protecting your assets, the less likely anyone can get through all of them, after all.
It is in times of trouble that ones such as the Brahmin must stand strong and lead lesser folk with the brightness of their example. Do not cower then, for the Brahmin have no need to worry about being accused of magical treason. Be a star in the dark of these shadows, offer comfort and beauty to those frightened by these evil tidings. Go to your gatherings as always, and show a strong front. But do not relax your guard. Do not go into the streets alone - such warnings should be unnecessary.
Those who tried to blame you at first for the events regret it now, Cabals. The attack is now shown to not be the kind the Cabals would initiate. Do not be lax in gaining the advantage by guilting those who initially accused you. The true perpetrator of this plot must be found, such chaos and intrigue cannot continue without the jurisdiction of the Cabal. Seek out the plotter behind this act of murder, but do not be caught yourself. Use the tricks you know so well to find out what you need to know without being detected by the Legion or Hierophance.
People on the island no longer feel safe in their own homes, and the call for personal fortifications has tripled. As the craftsfolk of Soeldei, Congeries members can expect to be commissioned for many types of locks, fences and barricades, and people in their fear will pay high prices for their peace of mind and personal safety. It's honest work and it should be capitalized upon for the good of everyone.
The tides have turned, Hierophance, and you must weather the change. A mistake has been made, it's true, but do not let your loyalty waver because of events beyond your control. Be yet proud to be of Hierophance, your dedication will be rewarded in the end if you defend your faction against those who would besmirch it.. Answer questions with pride, and do not show weakness. Though the attack was magical, it was not, could not be the members of your faction that caused it. Therefore also be on the lookout for a traitor in your midst, but do not allow others outside Hierophance to know of your search. Be vigilant. The vagrant must be found at all costs.
This mockery of the Legion cannot continue. The destruction of the Apostello might have been out of your hands, but the death of the only witness of the crime hangs heavy on you. There is only one solution. You must step up your attempts to find the cause of this blemish in your peaceful city. While physical violence is not appropriate means to find this information, let the rumors go out that the Legion will use force if necessary to cut out this blight. The means of persuasion is at your disposal, while violence is forbidden you, it need not be known to others that this is so. Do not openly threaten, but do not take 'no' for an answer. You must find the cause of this evil at all costs!
People are sure to suspect you in the courier's death, Mafioso. But you are not a magic-using faction. Your first priority, of course, is still not to get caught or interrogated at all. If it's unavoidable, remind people as much as need be of the Congeries own implications in this, and the magical evidence on the ship that certainly points elsewhere. There's no reason you should go down for others' misdeed.
There are those who question whether or not the events of recent months are new, random occurrences or repeats of past events. It's up to you to find out, Virtuoso members! Double your study efforts, recheck books you have already used for reference, make note of anything suspicious or of interest. While the information gathered may be seemingly meaningless at present, such information could come in handy in the future.
Spurred by the rising fear and tension on the island, triggered by the sudden and brutal murder of the shipwrecked courier, the Soel Aulic Council grants special dispensation to a group of high-ranking Hierophance members. They are tasked with conducting a separate and clandestine investigation into the memories of citizens, in an attempt to discover hidden information about the situation.
Even though they discover nothing incriminating, a copy of a select memory is stored in a crystal not unlike the ones embedded in the journals, almost always without the person's knowledge. Yet not everyone takes kindly to having their thoughts rifled, and the small group of Hierophance agents are ambushed. The resulting struggle breaks the keeping crystal and frees the copied memories -- however they do not return to their original owners...
opalescing switches a memory with
ironwaltzbecame_sawyer switches a memory with
unseelie_horseyohwhatsup switches a memory with
carlysfortunerottenjudgment switches a memory with
dynast_seraphhakai_no_senshi switches a memory with
heartofheaven23_wishes switches a memory with
notvaderbeautifulyetsad switches a memory with
halfanamemillyfoxe switches a memory with
marchionessahavea_fireball switches a memory with
celestialsingeronsenqueen switches a memory with
superior_rosebelovedoujo switches a memory with
orichalcoslordone_eye_sees switches a memory with
miraclefusionpinkgenocide switches a memory with
flame_watcher OOC INFORMATION
Characters at some point have been approached by a Hierophance member who asks them general questions such as, "Do you know anything about the murder of the courier? Where were you on that night?" before allowing them to continue on their way. At the same time, a single memory (player's choice) is lifted from their minds and copied, so they do not lose that memory completely.
Following the struggle, the captured memories will latch onto a random person and "play" themselves out in that person's mind, allowing each character to live through a memory not their own before it disappears.
Using either this post or the
Contact Sheet to get in touch with your swap-mate, let's shake things up! Happy plotting!