Title: Snowy Wishes
Pairing: Changmin/Junsu
Genre: Drama, Romance, Fluff, some fail attempt at smut
Rating: PG-13 to NC-17
Summary: Junsu is still waiting for Changmin to confess.
A/N: Written for
brownbox72 as an entry for
hug______'s Secret Santa 2012. This is a little messy and all over the place, but I hope you enjoy it regardless! :D Will post up second part
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Comments 18
Sorry for the long wait! The second part turned out longer than I expected, so I am finishing up the last part and will have it posted by tomorrow night after work. Hope the second part is not too disappointing. :3
Sorry for the long wait! The second part turned out longer than I expected, so I am finishing up the last part and will have it posted by tomorrow night after work. Hope the second part is not too disappointing. :3
Minsu is always difficult to write I think but I really like how they work in the flashbacks!
Sorry for the long wait, and I actually didn't forget about it. The second part turned out longer than I expected, so I am finishing up the last part...umm, mainly the smut lol...and plan to have it posted by tomorrow night after work. Hope the second part is not too disappointing. :3
Thank you so much for the comment! ♥ Sorry for the long wait, and I actually didn't forget about it ^^;; The second part turned out longer than I expected, so I am finishing up the last part and plan to have it posted by tomorrow night after work.
This is great btw, can't wait to read more and thank god you're posting the next chapter tomorrow :DD
Sorry for the long wait and I had to postpone posting up the second part because it turned out much longer than I expected, so I am finishing up the last part...umm, mainly the smut for my secret santa recipient lol...and plan to have it posted by tomorrow night after work. Hope the second part is not too disappointing and again I'm so sorry for the long wait. :3
I like to read it and comment as I go, hope you don’t mind! XD *sits to read* :D
such as seeing who could charm the lunch lady into giving them a discount… haha XD very important! *facepalm* when its actually a MAN! XD
All I Want for Christmas Is You *gets bricked for being a pervert*
"Yeah, you can't be thinking of staying forever with that hand-clapping dance where you just nod to the beat." *can so imagine this scene XD*
his I'm-going-to-kill-you-if-you-don't-stop-making-a-fool-of-yourself-right-now smiles. Ah yes, that classic Min smile~ :D
"Junsu-nism?" YES! \o/ I believe! XD
"Sleep in my room. It's going to be cold with the window open” >.> *is not thinking like a pervert right now* (yes I was… MINSU SEX TIME!)
Changmin, nervous, flinched every time Junsu accidentally touched him. *giggles* hehe he’s so cute when Min is all shy and nervous~ >."Should I take off my pants?" ( ... )
btw, loved reading through your comment and seeing your reactions to details haha XD i'm actually a little sorry to make you put up with my writing, but hopefully the story is overall enjoyable.
would love to friend you, but i think i've only written and posted only 1 or 2 stories in the past haha. feel free to friend me but all of my writing is public.
again, so sorry and i promise to put it up soon since i've written most of it. :D Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and have a fun and memorable rest of the year before
And WTF where is my comment on your part 2? o.O
Your writing is great hun, do not worry! ^_^ I'm gonna go check wth happened to my long ass comment on your part 2.... cuz i don't see it there... do you? o.O *is confused* I only see my "spot... mines" comment.
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