Montreal is a great city for avoiding the cold, with the Metro and the Underground City. Not that I would advise staying in them all the time, but they do allow ducking in out of the cold when necessary.
You're going to think people's accents are really, really odd, and they may or may not want to speak French to you. Just tell them you're from the US and you want to practice - you'll get credit for not being from Hontario, at least. :-P
Heh. He has to get through customs, so he'll probably be wearing a dress shirt and tie. Not very scary. But I suppose I could convince him to change into leather pants and his Dark Funeral shirt if I asked him nicely.
"English Language and Literature 13000/33000. The Little Red Schoolhouse (Academic and Professional Writing). (=ISHU 23000) PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing. P/F grading optional for English nonmajors. This course teaches the skills needed to write clear and coherent expository prose and to edit the writing of others. The course consists of weekly lectures on Thursdays, immediately followed by tutorials addressing the issues in the lecture. On Tuesdays, students discuss short weekly papers in two-hour tutorials consisting of seven students and a tutor. Students may replace the last three papers with a longer paper and, with the consent of relevant faculty, write it in conjunction with another class or as part of the senior project. Materials fee $20. L. McEnerney, K. Cochran, T. Weiner. Winter, Spring."
One of the college's most highly regarded courses: one that everyone should take, they say.
The basic idea: I'm a chemistry major, so I'll learn how to write chemistry papers that are legible for
Comments 12
You're going to think people's accents are really, really odd, and they may or may not want to speak French to you. Just tell them you're from the US and you want to practice - you'll get credit for not being from Hontario, at least. :-P
You should come to the Young Alum event, too, if you're in town. Then I'll have seen you sometime in the last three and a half years.
Oh crap. I just booked Duncan's and my plane tickets to Milwaukee and we'll be getting in right as that's happening.
Oh well. I basically look the same. *sigh*
Seriously, are we even allowed to bring guests?
The Little Red Schoolhouse is a joke, right?
"English Language and Literature 13000/33000. The Little Red Schoolhouse (Academic and Professional Writing). (=ISHU 23000) PQ: Third- or fourth-year standing. P/F grading optional for English nonmajors. This course teaches the skills needed to write clear and coherent expository prose and to edit the writing of others. The course consists of weekly lectures on Thursdays, immediately followed by tutorials addressing the issues in the lecture. On Tuesdays, students discuss short weekly papers in two-hour tutorials consisting of seven students and a tutor. Students may replace the last three papers with a longer paper and, with the consent of relevant faculty, write it in conjunction with another class or as part of the senior project. Materials fee $20. L. McEnerney, K. Cochran, T. Weiner. Winter, Spring."
One of the college's most highly regarded courses: one that everyone should take, they say.
The basic idea: I'm a chemistry major, so I'll learn how to write chemistry papers that are legible for
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