Fanfic: Bitter Choices

Nov 11, 2013 00:02

Title: Bitter Choices
Author: somadanne
Characters: Adama/Roslin, Ishay, Lee Adama
Rating: M
Timeline: Crossroads
Words: 1850

Written for the adama_roslin Month of Love VII. The prompt was “wrong choice.”

Many thanks to the amazing larsfarm77 for her quick and fabulous beta work.

Madame President! Are you sleeping with my father? )

bsg, adama/roslin, fanfic

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Comments 20

bowlsohard November 11 2013, 08:31:17 UTC
Oh man. The betrayal in here is heartbreaking. And the love is sad. Those don't sound like compliments...but I assure you that they are!


somadanne November 11 2013, 16:54:02 UTC
I'll take those as wonderful compliments--thank you so much for reading and commenting. :)


newnumbertwo November 11 2013, 13:04:54 UTC
Oh, man! So many punches. The nightmare sequence was great--and still not as bad as the reality of Lee's betrayal. This is such a wonderfully angsty time in canon, and you explored it beautifully. ♥ ♥ ♥


somadanne November 11 2013, 16:57:06 UTC
You know me, I love to explore the angst!

So many punches.

As I was putting this together, it was fun looking at how much was going on at this time--so often there just weren't any good choices to be made.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. :)


larsfarm77 November 11 2013, 15:33:37 UTC
The beginning of this fic just kicks ASS. I also love that transition from Laura -- from barely being able to look at Bill and then how much it opens her to him when she finally does.

This has to be my favourite line (next to the super hot one that starts 'he touched ...')

The sick look on Lee’s face made the revelation worth it.

He puts Laura in a corner, and he pays for it.

This whole fic is just wonderfully bittersweet.


somadanne November 11 2013, 17:07:14 UTC
I had so much fun with that beginning--that's also where this fic started. Then I had to figure out where to go. :)

Poor Lee--he never saw it coming. (I think Jamie Bamber was brilliant in that moment when Lee realizes--too late--what's happening--his face, omg his face!)

This whole fic is just wonderfully bittersweet.

Bittersweet really sums up their entire relationship, and I always enjoy exploring the deep, sad side of it.

Thanks so much again for your help with this.


ozzyj November 11 2013, 20:11:24 UTC
Fantastic characterisation...I think you captured Laura's state of mind at this point in the story perfectly. So sad *sniff*... yet so good :). I loved it :)


somadanne November 12 2013, 00:56:35 UTC
Oh, thank you so much! I always seem to go for the sad. :(

I'm glad to know you think I captured Laura's state of mind here so well.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting!


fragrantwoods November 11 2013, 21:07:00 UTC
Oh, ouch, ouch, OUCH! Her thinking about the last time she saw his feet killed me for some reason...such a poignant reminder to when they were able to have fun and be silly. The nightmare was so sad, here denying what they are to each other, even if it's not real. And the rest is achingly real. Lovely.


somadanne November 12 2013, 01:01:19 UTC
Sorry I hurt you! ;)

Her thinking about the last time she saw his feet killed me for some reason

Oh, I'm glad you picked that out! It's one of those things that's really so intimate, in an odd way, and it just struck me that that's something they no longer had after New Caprica (well, at least for the purposes of this fic!).

The nightmare (and the denial within it) pretty much wrote itself. I'm so glad you think this seems real.

Thanks so much for reading and commenting. I truly appreciate it so very much.


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