General Information
"Add-On characters" are separate from the primary, regular, characters you play in the RP. These characters are not expected to be as active or well-developed as your regular characters, and will function more like NPCs in the RP
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Comments 240
[Personal Journal] laenavesse
[Other characters currently played] (one more until max /o/)
Suoh Tamaki | Ouran Host Club | baka_tonou
Kamina | Tengen Toppa Gurren Lgann | hellyouthinkiam
Sho Minamimoto | The World Ends With You | zettafuntimes
Raven | Tales of Vesperia | notjustanoldman
Kelpie | Hakushaku to Yousei | aqueousequine
Tsume | Wolf’s Rain | distantwolf
Repede | Tales of Vesperia | caninewarrior
Haro | Gundam 00 (S2) | quiero_neil
[Character name] The Wonder Chef
[Age] …Beats the heck out of me. 20s?
[Canon] Tales of Vesperia
[Point in time taken from canon] Somewhere along his journey of giving people recipe. …Before Zaude.
He travels around to different places and disguises himself as different things in hopes the group will find him and then give him recipes before disappearing again.
Uh…he is rather excitable in terms of cooking and will get jealous if other people give the group recipes. (No really, he kind of flipped out when this woman gave the group the recipe for Chicken and Fries.) Otherwise, he seems like a happy normal guy…?
[Abilities]Disguise himself ( ... )
- Create a character journal (if you haven't already)
- Join somarium, somarium_ooc, and castleofdoom
- Comment on the Taken Character List to be added. Remember to indicate if Minor.
- Comment on the Contact List to be added.
- Comment on the Friends Add and follow the entry's instructions to add/remove characters into/from your friends list
- Fill out the Profile meme and post it in your journal (and use an lj-cut).
- Introduce your character at somarium_ooc (don't forget the tags!)
- Remember, minor characters cannot start posts, but they are free to make Voice and Dream posts as well join threads in the main logs.
- Talk to your buddy so you can start threads!
[Personal Journal] colormafia
[Other characters currently played]
Luke fon Fabre/Tales of the Abyss/emptyofthesky
Veronica Madaraki/Franken Fran/teartoshreds
[Character name] Cute Jade, the rappig.
[Age] They never mention Rappig's lifespans on the game.
[Canon] Tales of the Abyss
[Point in time taken from canon] ...They don't really have a timeline. Let's just say they're from the time the crew goes on a sidequest to search for the missing rappigs.
[Background] Rappigs are just one more of Abyss' wide repertoir of creatures; The name comes from the blending of the words "Rabbit" and "Pig", which is basically what these creatures are. Pig bodied farm animals with rabbit ears, rappigs are a nutritious part of every Auldrantian's breakfast; except for Emperor Peony, who has a more than apparent affinity for the animals and treats them as if they were can forget about harming one of his rappigs, unless one wishes to be thrown in jail for the rest of their days.
[Personality] Rappigs are normally good mannered and peaceful when they're ( ... )
- Create a character journal (if you haven't already)
- Join somarium, somarium_ooc, and castleofdoom
- Comment on the Taken Character List to be added. Remember to indicate if Minor.
- Comment on the Contact List to be added.
- Comment on the Friends Add and follow the entry's instructions to add/remove characters into/from your friends list
- Fill out the Profile meme and post it in your journal (and use an lj-cut).
- Introduce your character at somarium_ooc (don't forget the tags!)
- Remember, minor characters cannot start posts, but they are free to make Voice and Dream posts as well join threads in the main logs.
- Talk to your buddy so you can start threads!
Jade hates you now.
[Personal Journal] dancingchoose
[Other characters currently played]
Lockon Stratos / Mobile Suit Gundam 00 / neraiutsuze
Fran Madaraki / Franken Fran / take_to_pieces
Amber / Darker Than BLACK / youngatbody
Minatsuki Takami / Deadman Wonderland / whip_wing
Asuka Langley Sohryu / Neon Genesis Evangelion / motherissues
[Character name] Chiyo-Dad
[Age] Old enough to be Chiyo's dad. :|
[Canon] Azumanga Daioh (manga. I only know the manga, though manga and animu are... essentially the same for this guy)
[Point in time taken from canon] ...End? Rofl. IDEK. He never changes.
[Background] Chiyo-Dad is... Chiyo Mihama's dad. Well, kind of. He's also a stuffed animal. He also could be a figment of Sakaki (and later, Osaka)'s imagination. He very well could be Santa Claus.
Either way, Chiyo-Dad is what he is. He is a cat (though he might deny this at times) that appears in Sakaki and Osaka's dreams, just to terrify and confuse the characters and make the reader burst into stomach-pain fits of laughter.
[Personality] Very, very weird. Completely aloof and exceedingly random, Chiyo- ( ... )
As the rules state, only minor characters from which a major character of their canon is already in the game can apply.
You are free to apply for this character whenever a character from this canon is in the game, or apply as another character from an already existing canon.
Laena is a stupid mod who forgot about this rule when she was encouraging this app, apparently. SORRY ABOUT THAT.
I have to say that I do protest that a little bit- it seems like a rather pointless rule to have. What exact grounding is there for a rule like that? It's not clarified on this page- it simply says "there must be a major character from its canon". Just... Hmm, why? With minor characters, certain ones would be fun to have running around, but their series might not be popular for roleplaying. (Like... uh... Pikachu, or something?)
I understand and respect the mods' rules, but, really-- it seems like a pointlessly limiting requirement, unless a minor character's purpose is solely to support the characters in their existing canon.
[Personal Journal] JadeMarionette
[Other characters currently played] Rita Mordio/Tales of Vesperia/FasionistaRita
Blair/Soul Eater/pumpumpkinnyan
[Character name] Pikachu
[Age] Who knows~
[Canon] Pokemon!
[Point in time taken from canon] After the Pokemon League but before they head to the Orange Islands.
[Background] Pikachu was Ash's first pokemon and has been with him for his whole journey through Kanto. At first Pikachu was very hostile and stubborn and wouldn't get into it's pokeball. However, after Ash protected him from a flock of Spearow, Pikachu warms up to Ash after that and become very close friends with his trainer. Pikachu is targeted by Team Rocket unfortunately because of it's great power and such, but the bad guys always lose. Pikachu traveled around with Ash, Brock and Misty and went around to the Gyms to gain badges to enter the Pokemon League. Ash eventually succeeds and head to the competition but loses in the finals.
[Personality] Pikachu is a very friendly creature and is pretty accepting to new people or pokemon. He is a bit ( ... )
- Create a character journal (if you haven't already)
- Join somarium, somarium_ooc, and castleofdoom
- Comment on the Taken Character List to be added. Remember to indicate if Minor.
- Comment on the Contact List to be added.
- Comment on the Friends Add and follow the entry's instructions to add/remove characters into/from your friends list
- Fill out the Profile meme and post it in your journal (and use an lj-cut).
- Introduce your character at somarium_ooc (don't forget the tags!)
- Remember, minor characters cannot start posts, but they are free to make Voice and Dream posts as well join threads in the main logs.
- Talk to your buddy so you can start threads!
[Personal Journal] skyla_doragono
[Other characters currently played]
Asch | Tales of the Abyss | x_bloody_asch_x
Euphemia li Britannia | Code Geass | beforemasacre
Nei | Phantasy Star II | onlyhalfmonster
Yami Yuugi | Yuugiou: Duel Monsters | timetoduelbitch
Luke Skywalker | Star Wars | jedi_in_the_sky
[Character name] Iago
[Age] Unknown; probably fairly old, as it's implied him and Jafar were together for quite awhile.
[Canon] Disney's Aladdin
[Point in time taken from canon] Some time during the TV series; the TV series didn't have a definite timeline (though fans have attempted to put one together with limited success). It's speculated -- given how much older some characters look between the second and third movies -- that about one to three years takes place during the course of the series. He's only a minor character, so I'm not going to get into ridiculous detail about it and potentially hurt brains. Suffice to say the first two movies HAPPENED, and the third hasn't. XP
[Background]Iago started out his life as most exotic birds do: squawking for crackers at the Agrabah bazaar. ( ... )
The mere fact that he's as... animated (NO PUN INTENDED I SWEAR) as he is, is an ability in and of itself. From his time with Jafar, he also has an extensive knowledge of magics, magical beings, and magical devices; rivaled only by the Genie though sometimes actually more valuable, as the Genie's knowledge is a bit dated. He's also dexterous enough to be able to hold smaller things with his wings, but larger or wider things would need to be gripped by his claws. Lastly, he's also exceptionally talented in mimicking the voices of others, a skill he uses to trick people into doing things, or to save his own skin.
[Other important stuff]* When he's particularly distressed, he'll squawk like he used to when he was a normal parrot. It's not to say he can't squawk when he wants to, but it's something amusing to note at least ( ... )
- Create a character journal (if you haven't already)
- Join somarium, somarium_ooc, and castleofdoom
- Comment on the Taken Character List to be added. Remember to indicate if Minor.
- Comment on the Contact List to be added.
- Comment on the Friends Add and follow the entry's instructions to add/remove characters into/from your friends list
- Fill out the Profile meme and post it in your journal (and use an lj-cut).
- Introduce your character at somarium_ooc (don't forget the tags!)
- Remember, minor characters cannot start posts, but they are free to make Voice and Dream posts as well join threads in the main logs.
- Talk to your buddy so you can start threads!
Now I will tag the thread and save Mao's ass from your stupid farmboy :|
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