Host Club semi-event notices!

Oct 10, 2010 01:21

This is a little late sob but I have two announcements regarding Tamaki and some Host Club activities!


Yes you read that right. For some reason that I am not quite sure myself, Tamaki has challenged Kida to a "Host Off" so to speak. It will most likely go up sometime tomorrow evening, Sunday, October 10 so I realize this is really short notice OTL.

But I wanted to give a heads up to any lady characters to feel free and just come on in 8D I'll have further directions on the actual post, but basically Tamaki and Kida will be going around trying to win "votes". As to whether or not there will actually be a "grand winner", not sure. I have a feeling this will somehow derail in the end (but if anyone wants to actually help keep count, I'll be more than happy to accept your assistance!).

This post will also function as a general HAPPY MINGLING post, so guys, you don't have to feel left out. Feel free to stop on by and witness the madness :Da; Tamaki is totally going to kick your ass, Kida.


Well it's Halloween month, and it would just be completely wrong for Tamaki not to hold some kind of giant Halloween party. Expected date is set for Saturday, October 15. I know it's early, but we all know this is the New Moon month and the last week has been designated for the event starting on October, 22 (or at least that's what we have set on the calendar). So to make sure this actually happens, we'll just have it early. Who doesn't like early Halloween parties, anyway?

Right now I have planned just a simple masquerade party/ball where characters can come in costume and, well, party! It really wouldn't be too much different than most of the grand events that is usually held. Maybe some random commoner games to win candy and such~ A little Haunted House perhaps (volunteers anyone)? It's just mostly a "Whoo let's have fun!" type of a deal, so less sophistication and more "loose" fun.

But if anyone has any suggestions, I'll totally take them up!


It's about that time again where Dana and I stare at our lists and go "....WHO ARE OUR HOSTS AGAIN /SOB" Since I have two Host Club related events being run this month, I figure that each time would be a perfect opportunity for those who want in and help kick me back into full Host Club gear. I know I have been slacking /corner of shame. This also doubles for general cafe working. If your character needs a job, and they wouldn't cause too much of a ruckus, feel free to just let me know and slot them in :|b

So this is just a quick notice that if anyone's interested in being part of the Host Club, girl or guy, feel free to sign-up /o/ Also, any suggestions for either events or just general things are fully welcomed and encouraged!

events, plotting, discussion

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