Title: Manga
Pairing: RyoKameUchi (Nishikido Ryo x Kamenashi Kazuya x Uchi Hiroki)
Words: 2 239
Rating: PG-13
Summary: In which Uchi gets strange ideas from shoujo mangas, or so Kame thinks.
Notes: written for
jamie_spotty & beta'd by
pinkeuphoria1 :D
manga )
Comments 31
I'll just let my migraine pass then I'll read this right away. I'm so excited!
I saw your comment and I was like huh? and when I took a look I saw that I haven't even replied to my comment at all. #sobs
I'm pretty alright now since pain killers are the best thing ever. As long as I take them I'll be alright but not too much. I don't know what happened but my migraine is much worse this year. The doctors said it was due to the heat since it reached until 35 degrees here. o___O
Now onto my comment which I forgot to reply on >_<:
Why do I find Uchi hanging out on Kame's couch so wonderful and just plain releveant? :))
Kame and Ryo feeling each other in bed.. *_______________* I so love how Ryo facade totally melts when he's with Kame. It's like he's not even Ryo at all. XD
Uchi's just special like that. He certainly is. Now Ryo go and have that threesome ( ... )
haha, idk about Ryo not being Ryo-like, but I do think he's more likely to act all confident and possessive with Kame since well, he's intimate with Kame XDDD idk, he definitely wouldn't act that way with friends and such, but I don't think it was too out of character lol, but I guess I just like writing snarky/teasing RyoKame XDDD
lol, but I'm really glad you liked it ♥ was my first time writing a clear threesome-style relationship instead of love triangle, so it was such a nice challenge to try ♥
p.s. Uchi is really adorable though, totally fun to write, and now you've made me want to write more kameuchi XDDDDD
You know, it's usually pretty difficult for me to read love triangles where Ryoxkame is concerned, but the way you write Uchi, he's sooo likable, I was just awwwing the whole time and the progression felt so natural and that this situation should eventually arise is perfectly understandable. I don't know how you did it, but you subjected my heart to no pangs of angst at all with this drabble. Just all these different feelings of love, love, love.
And Uchi's thing for shoujo mangas throughout you fics is hilariously cute!!! I clamour for more!!!
And Rivalry is... HOW CAN I EVEN SAY. You really do have this knack of always coming up with new angles and then exploring the feelings and situations which result from those for Ryo and Kame so well and it's all so plausible and I get so, so into it. I can't believe how much you conjure up with DRABBLES.
lol, omg, you're so adorable Ana <333 I always love getting your comments, they always make me smile, especially since I normally get them in the morning, so they put me in a good mood for the rest of the day!! :D
tbh, I have difficulty with threesomes and ryokame too XDDD but I like Uchi a lot, so that made it a bit better ♥ it probably also helped that nobody had to suffer from heartbreak in the end right? :DDDD I honestly don't think I could have written anything else...more angsty...well, I guess I could, but I'd be really sad about it.
haha, actually, i swear, that Uchi and manga this is totally true. I even researched to make sure I wasn't imagining it XDDD He apparently likes stealing and reading his younger sister's mangas XDDD I just find that fact SO cute ♥
adjf;akdf thank you for the wonderful comments <3
Also, I can't imagine having any other otp ♥ not only do i love ryokame, but fandom-wise, I get to read your amazing fics by loving ryokame ♥
"I am not imagining an implied affair on the side with the evil villain character," Kazuya said promptly, firmly
*rolls around on the floor like a puppy some more*
*clears throat* yes, that was a hint. a not-so-subtle hint. evil villain is totally ryo XDDDD
arrogant ryo so cool,,
and uchi`s part,.i like it too..
thanks for this ^^
And RyoKame as drama majors! Both definitely are good actors. :)
Love both fics! Thanks for sharing!
I'm glad you like the fics!! :D thank you for reading <3333
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