01. Name: Arty
02. How did you find out about Hogwarts Elite? A recommendation from
03. What do you wish to accomplish in life?
I want to accomplish a kind of peace in myself and hopefully be able to share that with other people. It would also be nice to get published a few times, settle into a career, live comfortably with a close-knit family, and visit all of the countries on my “To See” list!
04. Describe exactly what you would see in the Mirror of Erised. (This is not the same question as #03.)
I’d see myself in a large, but cozy, home with lots of windows, with my significant other (and probably a kid or two snuggling our pets.) I’d be in a room filled with hundreds of books, movies, and (let’s be honest) video games. It would probably also be in a place where, if I wanted to, I could step outside into a frenzied world of excitement and adventure; but the home would be a quiet place to come back to.
05. What makes a person deserving of your respect?
Honesty is incredibly important to me, but so is a hefty measure of self-awareness, empathy, and a big splash of social consciousness. After all, a person could be incredibly truthful or self-aware, but without the added concerns for the world around you, they’re just personal quirks instead of people to be admired. The multiple dimensions are really important.
06. What is your biggest pet peeve?
I hatehatehate it when someone cuts off a discussion with me with “Whatever,” especially if it’s regarding something I care about a lot! It implies not only that my words and worldviews aren’t important, but that I’m so unimportant that a single word is enough to dismiss everything I haven’t yet said and am still feeling.
07. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
I worry. I worry a lot. I worry about how my family is doing, about the future, about bills, about myself, about people who are late, about if my friends actually like me, about if people are mad at me, about if anything I do is worthwhile… the list goes on and on, so I’ll stop myself there. If I could rid myself of all of these nagging doubts, I would.
08. If you could do any one thing and suffer no consequences, what would it be?
Consequence-free, hmmm. I think I would probably get myself elected as leader of my country. No, seriously! I feel so frustrated when I see problems brought on by pure selfishness, misinformation, and bribery. If I could get elected without having to rely on political contributions or worrying about re-election, I feel like I could reach a lot of people and do some good. Maybe a little arrogant, but whoever said daydreams couldn’t be egocentric?
09. What do you think are your top five positive characteristics?
01. Though I wasn’t always sure what to do with it, I’m a very open-minded individual. I have TONS of opinions on things, but one of the things that really helps me understand people is to actually listen to what they’re saying and trying to parse out how they see the world. It’s one of the best ways to prevent stagnating; I like to think that I will only stop changing and growing when I die.
02. I am a woman of action! While I may be plagued with worries, they tend to weaken me most when I am helpless to do anything. Once an avenue of opportunity opens up to me, I don’t hesitate. Having been in a few crisis situations, I’m confident that I can handle myself in situations where other people might freeze… the flip side, of course, being that I worry incessantly when my hands are tied.
03. I’m an excellent listener. I may not be very good at striking up conversations with complete strangers, but once I’ve gotten a feel for someone’s driving currents, I feel like I’m really good at encouraging them to open up to me and let what they truly feel spill out. (As an addendum, tied closely with listening, I’m also quite good at keeping secrets.)
04. I have a very well-developed sense for what kind of person someone is, before I get to know them very well. I guess you could call it People-dar? Whatever it is, I have a good instinct for being able to tell the good sorts from the not-so-pleasant ones, long before they do something to prove it one way or another.
05. I like to think of myself as being full of creative and fun ideas. One of the things that drew me to Harry Potter was how much fun my friends and I had together, making up our own stories in the middle of a park, in the Harry Potter-verse. My ideas aren’t perfect, but I really enjoy putting fun spins on unexpected themes, whether in art or writing.
10. What do you think are your top five negative characteristics?
01. I don’t trust very easily. In most of my relationships, I’m constantly steeling myself and waiting for the other shoe to drop, just waiting for them to drop me for a newer, better friend who doesn’t share my flaws. Of course, once my trust has been earned, it’s fairly unshakeable… if it’s broken after that point, though, it’s nearly impossible to get it back again.
02. Sometimes, I can be really self-defeating, because I’m afraid of how I would feel if I truly put my energy and will into a project, only to have it fail miserably. So, I knee-cap myself and procrastinate and make up external excuses for why something hasn’t happened yet, to avoid having to truly face the potential of failure in something I really wanted to try. After all, if I didn’t try, it doesn’t really count as failing… at least that’s how the rhetoric goes.
03. I don’t like stepping on people’s toes, which can sometimes render me more diplomatic than I’d like to be. When I’m hopping mad about something, I’m more likely to suggest we both take deep breaths and compromise, instead of exclaiming, “Yes, I’m furious with you and I think you deserve it!” It often leaves me feeling unsatisfied after a disagreement because no one walked away from it knowing how I really felt. I’m working on expressing these things in calm, but clear ways, though.
04. Sometimes, I just can’t let things go. Every now and then, even after I thought I’ve forgiven someone, sometimes I still work myself up into getting mad over something that happened years ago! It usually takes about a day to let it go again, but it’s a fight with myself to keep from bringing it up, even though I know it’d be totally unfair to do so.
05. My house is an absolute mess. I am a really, really awful housekeeper. Probably laziness, but… yeah, it’s bad. Even when I do get around to cleaning it up, as I invariably will, it’s gonna go right back to this state within a month. Oi.
11. Who is your favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
In the earlier books, I loved the mess out of Hermione Granger. I really felt as though I could relate to a lot of the things she went through with regards to how people treated her. I picked up the series when I was about thirteen and so her experiences in the first book were terribly relevant to me. It was a blast to watch how she matured as a character, along with her friends, into someone who was a three-dimensional, fully realized person with loves, hates, and life, beyond the brain that people made the mistake of stereotyping her as (at first.)
12. Who is your least favorite character in the Harry Potter series?
Hmm, probably Fenrir Grayback. He wasn’t a particularly memorable villain, though it’s hard to come anywhere close to Voldemort’s level of memorability. I know he was meant as a foil to Lupin, but I just found him to be awfully distasteful in a very blandly forgettable way. Of course, I call him forgettable, but here I am rambling about how I didn’t like him!
13. What was your favorite plot or character revelation in the Harry Potter series?
I was really touched when I found out exactly how Petunia and Lily’s relationship had become so sour and why Petunia hated magical folk so much. I know that it doesn’t excuse her mistreatment of Harry, at -all-, but I felt like it really explained a lot to realize how terribly left out and unimportant she must have felt, upon realizing how different her sister was. I felt sorry for her.
14. Describe the canon qualities for each house that accurately reflect you.
• Gryffindor: I’ve got courage. Standing up to people, even people who are taking a swing at me, doesn’t frighten me. If anything, being forced to sit on my hands and do nothing is what drives me the most nuts! I’m usually the first in my group of friends to agree to trying new things, even if they’re a bit daredevil.
• Slytherin: My ambitions range from small things, like getting good grades, to getting myself put in charge of an entire country. I know who I am and what my talents are; when I’m in my element, I am totally strutting it. Very little slows me down once I’ve truly dedicated myself to a goal and I’m proud of the skills I possess.
• Ravenclaw: Knowledge is the most delectable dish in the entire universe. Every day I learn new things and it’s still not enough. The more I learn, the more I realize how incredibly much I have left to learn - and that excites me. Chasing down random topics and new research is something I do for fun. I think if I were to ever be in a world where there wasn’t more to discover, I would be devastated. Luckily, I don’t think that will ever happen!
• Hufflepuff: The people I love are the most important things to me. I will always be loyal to my friends and would not hesitate to pick up a bat and go swinging for anyone who threatens them. I’m also quite patient with others and have a very deep-seated, passionate desire to see the world become a just and fair place.
15. Describe the canon qualities for each house that do not accurately reflect you.
• Gryffindor: Though I am brave, I’m not particularly brash or bull-headed. Even in situations where danger is imminent, I’m still rational and I never let my anger get the better of me, behaviourally speaking. Even if it’s a truth I don’t want to hear, I will listen to reason and can be swayed to change my mind.
• Slytherin: Deceit is not a thing that comes easily to me. Also, I value empathy and honesty too much to let my dreams take precedence over someone else’s quality of life or well-being. Though I mentioned that little would stop me in obtaining my ambitions, I don’t think I could ever pursue something at the expense of someone I care about.
• Ravenclaw: It’s true that I adore knowledge, but it’s not my guiding star or my only pursuit. It affects almost everything, obviously, but so much more can be learned through living life than I could discover in books alone. Research and study are important, but without practical learning and risks, I would lack the opportunity to apply them anywhere.
• Hufflepuff: I’m relatively easy-going when I like how things currently stand, but I’m not very good with keeping my mouth closed when I think something is wrong or someone is doing something that I find to be cruel. Though I know that being agreeable to the status quo often makes things proceed more quietly and smoothly, if I think something is wrong, I can’t help but to make waves against it.
16. Age: 23 years old
17. Optional: Link us to where you have promoted this community in your personal journal to earn your future house five points.
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