[Mod Post] Trick or Treat Exchange Author/Artist Reveal--

Nov 05, 2006 23:20

Our Trick or Treat Fic/Art Exchange has been a resounding success, with fourteen pieces of FPF fic/art and one RPF fic posted to the community! Thank you, everyone who participated. You made for a wonderful exchange. ♥

Today is also the day of the reveal! All author/artist names have been edited into the art/fics themselves, and behind the cut is the master list, including links. If you haven't already, do take a look at the submissions, and don't forget to feedback the artists/authors.

Master List, 2006 Trick or Treat Fiction and Art Exchange

- A Thief in the Night by escribej, for seleneheart
(LotR; Aragorn/?; PG; Someone's having difficulty moving on...)

- The Madness Within by anorienbean, for savageseraph
(LotR; Aragorn/Boromir/Faramir; NC-17; BDSM)

- Boromir gets bladdered by fawsley, for ribby
(LotR; Aragorn/Boromir, Arwen, Faramir; R; In the UK, 'to get bladdered' means to drink far, far, far too much. In Minas Tirith, Boromir finds that it can have another meaning.)

- Untitled by cbpotts, for fawsley
(LotRPS; VigBean; NC-17; Sean's come back to Viggo after three weeks away and incognito at a welding shop.)

- King's Night by ribby, for escribej
(LotR; Aragorn/Faramir; R; On King's Night, anything can happen--and usually does.)

- Minas Migraine by cocoajava, for empy
(LotR; Faramir/Boromir; G; Waaaay back in 2003 kielle suggested this plotbunny to me: "I bet Faramir gets migraines." It's stuck with me ever since. I guess it was time to let it out!)

- On Starless Waters Far Astray by empy, for edoraslass
(LotR/PotC; Imrahil/James Norrington; R; edoraslass mentioned "some bizarre Norrington/Imrahil crossover" in her prompt, and I ran with it. Set between the two PotC movies and in roughly TA 3016.)

- All Else Forgotten by cinzia, for cocoajava
(LotR Art/Manip; Faramir/Boromir; PG; In ruined Osgiliath, in the very first years of Elessar's reign, the Steward remembers.)

- Fruition by edoraslass, for cinzia
(LotR; Thorongil, Denethor, Finduilas, Imrahil, Adrahil; Not Rated; AU. Very, very AU.)

- Richest Alchemy by caras_galadhon, for cbpotts
(LotR; Faramir/Gimli [Faramir/Eowyn, Legolas/Gimli]; NC-17; Eowyn and Legolas see far clearer than Faramir and Gimli.)

- Five Senses/24 Hours by annmarwalk, for ashinae
(LotR; Boromir/Faramir; Adult)

- Devotion by ashinae, for anorienbean
(LotR; Aragorn/Faramir; R; Love, loss, and the ghost in the bed.)

- Invisible Ink by alex_quine, for annmarwalk
(LotR; Faramir/Eomer; PG-13)

- Iron Boromir by seleneheart, for alex_quine
(LotR; Aragorn/Boromir; PG-13; This is based on "The Frog Prince or Iron Heinrich" by the Brothers Grimm. One plot point was inspired by "The Frog King or Iron Henry" by Daniel Quinn.)

- Consideration savageseraph, for caras_galadhon
(LotR; Aragorn/Boromir; NC-17; Written for caras_galadhon who asked for the following one night a very long time ago: Oooh! Maybe something along the lines of Steward and King being at odds over something military or political, resulting in Growly&Grouchy!Boromir? Which of course results in Growly&GrouchyYetFond!Sex?)

Thank you again, participants! Now that the reveal has occurred, you're free to respond to feedback under your usernames, and to post your stories/art wherever you want.

I hope you all had as much fun as savageseraph and I did, and we hope you'll consider participating in future sons_of_gondor exchanges!
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