Title:The Doumeki Shizuka Files, or What Really Happened in the Music Room (as Recorded, Researched and Compiled by Investigative Underground Journalist Kumo Maki)
Author: Mushroom
Author's Notes: Inspired by episode #49 of the anime Card Captor Sakura, which is entitled Sakura and the Dangerous Piano. Thanks to
star_flare for the beta-read! The style is
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Comments 27
2)I loved seeing the characters/their relationship's from other points of view. (Uhhh on that note, not sure if this is the right place to do this, but reccing Cold Cases, which is also told from an outsider's point of view 8D)
3) Also love how it was arranged, really one thing leading to another! My favorite was the segue from "What about Doumeki Shizuka and Watanuki Kimihiro" to Watanuki's "What do you mean you want to ask if there's something going on with me and THAT--" And the denial in all caps. XD
4) These lines really say a lot! Really good characterization. :P
Hell, his friends are strange and noisy, but you don’t know them at all, either.
Doumeki-san shouted at him once, and that was when my classmates took ( ... )
*hugs you tightly* Thank you so much~! I knew I can count on you~
Come out of the closet, sweetie :3
I loved the perspective switches, and I loved the different looks at the relationship and what was important about what happened.
The one thing I would have wanted to see would have been an interview from Doumeki (though it probably would have been like all of five words), since there was one from Watanuki as well.
The one I loved the most was the guy in kyudo. Seriously. It was awesome.
And Himawari's was great too.
And I lol'd the most when Watanuki first mentioned Yuuko--because it was so obvious he was off in his little world--and then he tried to explain hitsuzen and for some reason I just cracked up.
Thank you very much! ♥
The kyudo guy. Guuh. You don't want to know how many revisions his part had. :3
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