Whatever happened to little boys playing cops and robbers? Bang, bang...I shot you. With a make believe gun, made with the thumb and index finger, you were either the cop, or the robber..playing...like kids do
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Does anyone know anyone that needs a bassinet? I don't want to throw the one I have out, and it's in very good condition...Kaylee barely used it, seeing as she was usually in the bed with me.
Laundry...and a lot of it too Living room pack clothes that are not needed pack some pots and pans pack video games, dvds, etc move everything to 'staging point'That's all for now
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In Idaho, nearly 400 abortion protesters marched Saturday at the Statehouse, including Reid Richardson and his 5-year-old stepdaughter, Allie Zebley, who carried sign with her ultrasound photo and the words, "This is me at 16 weeks."What kind of sick fuck would have their 5
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